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[英]Unable to compile sources with ta-lib

I'm trying to use the ta-lib ( http://ta-lib.org/ ) C API in my C application. 我正在尝试在我的C应用程序中使用ta-lib( http://ta-lib.org/ )C API。 I downloaded the sources of ta-lib, installed them on my system using make install. 我下载了ta-lib的源代码,并使用make install将它们安装在我的系统上。 Library compiled successfully and I have its binaries in /usr/local/lib/ . 库已成功编译,并且我的二进制文件在/usr/local/lib/ Then I compile my app as suggested on ta-lib site: 然后按照ta-lib网站上的建议编译我的应用程序:

$ gcc -L/usr/local/lib -lta-lib -o tlc talib_test.c
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lta-lib
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Any ideas what's going wrong? 任何想法出什么事了吗?

OS: I'm using Ubuntu 9. 操作系统:我正在使用Ubuntu 9。

Is there any chance that you have installed a 32-bit copy of libta-lib.so and are compiling a 64-bit test program, or vice versa? 您是否有可能安装了libta-lib.so的32位副本并正在编译64位测试程序,反之亦然? That is, could you have a mismatch in the type of library? 也就是说,您可能在库类型上有不匹配吗?

Failing that, have you looked at /usr/local/lib to check that you have libta-lib.so in there? 失败了,您是否查看过/usr/local/lib以检查其中是否有libta-lib.so Or could it be that the library is actually called libta.so or something like that, so you need to specify -lta on the command line? 还是可能是该库实际上被称为libta.so或类似的名称,所以您需要在命令行上指定-lta

On my Mac, the library was installed as shown (after a couple of minutes compilation): 在我的Mac上,库如图所示安装(经过几分钟的编译):

/usr/bin/install -c .libs/libta_lib.lai /usr/gnu64/lib/libta_lib.la
/usr/bin/install -c .libs/libta_lib.a /usr/gnu64/lib/libta_lib.a

This would require -lta_lib with an underscore instead of -lta-lib with a dash. 这将需要-lta_lib带下划线,而不是-lta-lib带破折号。

Where is libta-lib.a ? libta-lib.a在哪里? The error message suggests the linker cant find the library. 该错误信息表明链接器找不到该库。

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