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我将哪些 HTML5 微数据用于工作(职位空缺)?

[英]Which HTML5 microdata do I use for a job (vacancy)?

I'm trying to markup a vacancy/job item with microdata but I wonder whether I'm doing it the right way, because my item properties like 'title' and 'date' don't make sense in combination with my itemtype 'organization'.我正在尝试用微数据标记一个空缺/工作项目,但我想知道我是否以正确的方式做这件事,因为我的项目属性(如“标题”和“日期”)与我的项目类型“组织”结合起来没有意义'。 How could one rewrite the following block better leveraging microdata?如何更好地利用微数据重写以下代码块?

        <li itemscope itemtype='http://data-vocabulary.org/Organization'>
            <a href='Web_developer.html'>
                <span itemprop='title'>Web developer</span>
                <span itemprop='name'>Company Name</span>,
                <span itemprop='locality'>City</span>
            <p itemprop='summary'>Lorem ipsum dolores amet ...</p>
            <p>Published at <span itemprop='date'>28 Jan 2011</span>,
            <span itemprop='views'>75</span> views</p>

Or can I create/suggest an itemtype='job' myself?或者我可以自己创建/建议 itemtype='job' 吗? If so, how?如果是这样,怎么做?

There seems to be a good deal of momentum behind the JobPosting microformat. JobPosting微格式背后似乎有很大的动力。 It's part of schema.org.它是 schema.org 的一部分。

Here's the blog post announcing it.这是宣布它的博客文章。 http://blog.schema.org/2011/11/schemaorg-support-for-job-postings.html http://blog.schema.org/2011/11/schemaorg-support-for-job-postings.html

Answered a long time after the fact, but there is now a "JobPosting" schema at schema.org as cited by Eric.事后很久才回答,但现在在schema.org上有一个 Eric 引用的“JobPosting”模式 With this your code would look like-有了这个,你的代码看起来像 -

<li itemscope itemtype='http://schema.org/JobPosting'>
    <a href='Web_developer.html'>
       <span itemprop='title'>Web developer</span>
       <span itemprop='hiringOrganization' itemscope itemtype='http://schema.org/Organization'>
            <span itemprop='name'>Company Name</span>
       <span itemprop='jobLocation'>City</span>
     <p itemprop='description'>Lorem ipsum dolores amet ...</p>
     <p>Published at <time itemprop='datePosted' datetime='2011-01-28'>28 Jan 2011<time>,
     <span>75</span> views</p>

I couldn't find a schema containing a Views property.我找不到包含 Views 属性的架构。

A web developer is not a type of organization, keep the organization itemtype to just describe the organisation offering the job. Web 开发人员不是一种组织,保留组织itemtype以仅描述提供工作的组织。 For the job itself the closest vocabulary on data-vocabulary.org would appear to be Offer but I would say that's a bit of stretch semantically.对于工作本身,data-vocabulary.org 上最接近的词汇似乎是Offer ,但我想说这在语义上有点牵强。

There is a job-listing brainstorming page on the microformats wiki but it hasn't seen much recent activity, you could try posting on the mailing list to see if anyone's interested in taking it forward.微格式 wiki 上有一个工作列表头脑风暴页面,但最近没有太多活动,您可以尝试在邮件列表上发帖,看看是否有人有兴趣推进它。 If that gets some traction there may be some benefit to using that vocabulary.如果这得到了一些牵引力,那么使用该词汇可能会有一些好处。

However, I don't think you'll see much immediate benefit to marking up with a non-standard vocabulary so I would recommend confining your microdata to those parts that can be marked up (eg. company contact information) rather than trying to add microdata to everything.但是,我认为您不会立即看到使用非标准词汇进行标记的好处,因此我建议将您的微数据限制在可以标记的部分(例如公司联系信息),而不是尝试添加微数据到一切。

i usually get schemas from this website https://issemantic.net/rdf-converter我通常从这个网站https://issemantic.net/rdf-converter获取模式

<div itemtype="http://schema.org/JobPosting" itemscope>
    <div itemprop="baseSalary" itemtype="http://schema.org/MonetaryAmount" itemscope>
      <div itemprop="value" itemtype="http://schema.org/QuantitativeValue" itemscope>
        <meta itemprop="unitText" content="HOUR" />
        <meta itemprop="value" content="40" />
      <meta itemprop="currency" content="USD" />
    <meta itemprop="jobLocationType" content="TELECOMMUTE" />
    <meta itemprop="validThrough" content="2017-03-18T00:00" />
    <meta itemprop="description" content="<p>Google aspires to be an organization that reflects the globally diverse audience that our products and technology serve. We believe that in addition to hiring the best talent, a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures leads to the creation of better products and services.</p>" />
    <div itemprop="hiringOrganization" itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization" itemscope>
      <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://www.google.com/" />
      <link itemprop="logo" href="http://www.example.com/images/logo.png" />
      <meta itemprop="name" content="Google" />
    <meta itemprop="datePosted" content="2017-01-18" />
    <meta itemprop="title" content="Software Engineer" />
    <div itemprop="applicantLocationRequirements" itemtype="http://schema.org/Country" itemscope>
      <meta itemprop="name" content="USA" />
    <div itemprop="identifier" itemtype="http://schema.org/PropertyValue" itemscope>
      <meta itemprop="value" content="1234567" />
      <meta itemprop="name" content="Google" />
    <div itemprop="experienceRequirements" itemtype="http://schema.org/OccupationalExperienceRequirements" itemscope>
      <meta itemprop="monthsOfExperience" content="36" />
    <meta itemprop="employmentType" content="FULL_TIME" />
    <div itemprop="educationRequirements" itemtype="http://schema.org/EducationalOccupationalCredential" itemscope>
      <meta itemprop="credentialCategory" content="bachelor degree" />

Enjoy !享受 ! 😉 😉

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