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我可以在用html 4构建的网页中使用itemdata(microdata)吗?

[英]can i use itemdata(microdata) in my web pages built with html 4

will it be useful or possible to use microdata (itemdata) in my web pages built with HTML 4 code like this 在像这样的HTML 4代码构建的网页中使用微数据(itemdata)是否有用或可行?

<div itemscope>
  <span>Director: James Cameron (born August 16, 1954) </span>
  <span>Science fiction</span>
  <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html">Trailer</a>

It would depend on whether the Microdata consumer wanted to check for HTML5-ness via the doctype or otherwise, and then disallow the microdata if the page wasn't HTML5. 这将取决于微数据使用者是否要通过doctype检查HTML5-ness,然后如果页面不是HTML5,则禁止微数据。 But it's hard to think of a reason why such a consumer would wish to go to such trouble. 但是,很难想到为什么这样的消费者希望遇到这种麻烦的原因。 How would it benefit from doing so? 这样做会带来什么好处?

Having said that, using itemscope without any itemprop s probably isn't going to achieve very much. 话虽如此,使用没有任何itempropitemscope可能不会取得很大的成就。

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