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Java 线程:等待和通知方法

[英]Java threads: wait and notify methods

I have a thread that calls the wait method and can only be awoken when the notify method called from some other class:我有一个线程调用wait方法,并且只能在从其他类调用notify方法时唤醒:

 class ThreadA {
     public static void main(String [] args) {
         ThreadB b = new ThreadB();

         synchronized(b) {
             try {
                 System.out.println("Waiting for b to complete...");
             } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
             System.out.println("Total is: " + b.total);

class ThreadB extends Thread {
    int total;
    public void run() {
        synchronized(this) {
            for(int i=0;i<100;i++) {
                total += i;

In the above code if the synchronized block in main , if the ThreadA does not execute first and instead the other synchronization block executing and completes to completion, then ThreadA executes its synchronized block and calls wait , what is going to happen and how it will be notified again?在上面的代码中,如果mainsynchronized块,如果ThreadA没有先执行而是另一个同步块执行并完成完成,则ThreadA执行其synchronized块并调用wait ,将会发生什么以及它将如何又通知了?

If ThreadB gets through its synchronized block before ThreadA does, then ThreadA will block indefinitely on the call to wait .如果ThreadBThreadA之前通过其synchronized块,则ThreadA将无限期地阻塞在对wait的调用上。 It won't somehow be notified that the other thread has already completed.不会以某种方式通知另一个线程已经完成。

The problem is that you're trying to use wait and notify in ways that they are not designed to be used.问题是您正在尝试以不适合使用的方式使用waitnotify Usually, wait and notify are used to have one thread wait until some condition is true, and then to have another thread signal that the condition may have become true.通常, waitnotify用于让一个线程等待,直到某个条件为真,然后让另一个线程发出信号,表明该条件可能已变为真。 For example, they're often used as follows:例如,它们通常如下使用:

/* Producer */
synchronized (obj) {
    /* Make resource available. */

/* Consumer */
synchronized (obj) {
    while (/* resource not available */)

    /* Consume the resource. */

The reason that the above code works is that it doesn't matter which thread runs first.上面代码起作用的原因是哪个线程先运行并不重要。 If the producer thread creates a resource and no one is wait ing on obj , then when the consumer runs it will enter the while loop, notice that the resource has been produced, and then skip the call to wait .如果生产者线程创建了一个资源并且没有人在objwait ,那么当消费者运行时它会进入while循环,注意到资源已经生产,然后跳过对wait的调用。 It can then consume the resource.然后它可以消耗资源。 If, on the other hand, the consumer runs first, it will notice in the while loop that the resource is not yet available and will wait for some other object to notify it.另一方面,如果消费者首先运行,它将在while循环中注意到资源尚不可用,并将wait其他某个对象通知它。 The other thread can then run, produce the resource, and notify the consumer thread that the resource is available.然后另一个线程可以运行,生成资源,并notify使用者线程资源可用。 Once the original thread is awoken, it will notice that the condition of the loop is no longer true and will consume the resource.一旦原线程被唤醒,它会注意到循环的条件不再为真,会消耗资源。

More generally, Java suggests that you always call wait in a loop because of spurious notifications in which a thread can wake up from a call to wait without ever being notified of anything.更一般地说,Java 建议您总是在循环中调用wait ,因为在虚假通知中,线程可以从wait调用中唤醒,而不会收到任何通知。 Using the above pattern can prevent this.使用上述模式可以防止这种情况。

In your particular instance, if you want to ensure that ThreadB has finished running before ThreadA executes, you may want to use Thread.join() , which explicitly blocks the calling thread until some other thread executes.在您的特定实例中,如果您想确保ThreadBThreadA执行之前已完成运行,您可能需要使用Thread.join() ,它会显式阻止调用线程,直到其他线程执行。 More generally, you may want to look into some of the other synchronization primitives provided by Java, as they often are much easier to use than wait and notify .更一般地说,您可能想要查看 Java 提供的其他一些同步原语,因为它们通常比waitnotify更容易使用。

You could loop and wait until the total has been computed :您可以循环并等待,直到计算出总数:

synchronized(b) {
   while (total == 0) {

You could also use a higher-level abstraction like a CountDownLatch .您还可以使用更高级别的抽象,例如CountDownLatch

It is possible for ThreadB's run method to complete before you enter the synchronized block in ThreadA.main. ThreadB 的 run 方法有可能在您进入 ThreadA.main 中的同步块之前完成。 In that situation, since the notify call has happened before you started waiting, ThreadA will block forever on the wait call.在这种情况下,由于通知调用在您开始等待之前发生,线程 A 将永远阻塞等待调用。

A simple workaround would be to grab the lock on b in main before you start the second thread to ensure the wait happens first.一个简单的解决方法是在启动第二个线程之前在 main 中获取 b 上的锁,以确保首先发生等待。

ThreadB b = new ThreadB();
synchronized(b) {

Why to make that complex ?为什么要搞得那么复杂? Just use join() function of Thread.只需使用 Thread 的 join() 函数。

ThreadB b = new ThreadB();
// now print b.total

您可能想为此使用 java.util.concurrent.Semaphore。

1) You need to add some flag that is used to communicate between the threads, so that B can signal to A when it is finished. 1)您需要添加一些用于线程之间通信的标志,以便B可以在完成时向A发出信号。 A simple boolean variable is fine, as long as it is only read and written within the synchronized blocks.一个简单的布尔变量就可以了,只要它只在同步块内被读取和写入。

synchronized(this) {
    for(int i=0;i<100;i++) {
        total += i;
    isDone = true;

2) A needs to loop while waiting. 2) A 需要在等待时循环。 So if your boolean variable was called isDone, and was set to true by threadB, then threadA should have some code like this:因此,如果您的布尔变量被称为 isDone,并且被线程 B 设置为 true,那么线程 A 应该有一些像这样的代码:

synchronized(b) {
    System.out.println("Waiting for b to complete...");
    while( ! isDone ) b.wait();

In this particular case, there's actually no reason to have the synchronized block in A - since threadB doesn't do anything after it finishes running, and A doesn't do anything except wait for B, threadA could simply call b.join() to block until it finishes.在这种特殊情况下,实际上没有理由在 A 中使用同步块 - 因为线程 B 在完成运行后不做任何事情,而 A 除了等待 B 之外什么也不做,线程 A 可以简单地调用 b.join()阻塞直到它完成。 I assume that your actual use case is more complex than this.我假设您的实际用例比这更复杂。

do not synchronized(thread) , don't do it, do not synchronized(thread) .. repat: no synchronized(thread) :)不要synchronized(thread) ,不要这样做,不要synchronized(thread) .. repat:没有synchronized(thread) :)

And if you need to wait for the thread 'b' to finish, use b.join(), now your code is free to hang in b.wait()如果您需要等待线程 'b' 完成,请使用 b.join(),现在您的代码可以自由挂在 b.wait() 中

-- ——

Hopefully the source below can grant you an insight while sync(thread)/notify() I consider bad practice.希望下面的来源可以让您深入了解同步(线程)/通知()我认为是不好的做法。 (cut-cut) (切切)


To proceeed below you make sure you have accepted Oracle's License aggreement, found there: https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewLicense-Start?LicenseUUID=7HeJ_hCwhb4AAAEtmC8ADqmR&ProductUUID=pGqJ_hCwj_AAAAEtB8oADqmS&cnum=&evsref=&sln=要进行以下操作,请确保您已接受 Oracle 的许可协议,请在此处找到: https ://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewLicense- 开始?LicenseUUID=7HeJ_hCwhb4AAAEtmC8ADqmR&ProductUUID=pGqJ_hCwj_AAAAEtB8oADqmS&cnum=&evsref=&sln=

Java sources (incl), called in init(), effectively called by any java c-tor, since java 1.5 Java 源代码 (incl),在 init() 中调用,从 java 1.5 开始被任何 java c-tor 有效调用

private static **synchronized int** nextThreadNum() {
return threadInitNumber++;

//join (the method w/ nanos only increase millis by one, if nanos>500000, millis==0 and nanos>0 //加入(使用 nanos 的方法只会将毫秒增加 1,如果 nanos>500000,millis==0 且 nanos>0

public final **synchronized** void join(long millis) 
throws InterruptedException {
long base = System.currentTimeMillis();
long now = 0;

if (millis < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");

if (millis == 0) {
    while (isAlive()) {
} else {
    while (isAlive()) {
    long delay = millis - now;
    if (delay <= 0) {
    now = System.currentTimeMillis() - base;

public **synchronized** void start() {
 * This method is not invoked for the main method thread or "system"
 * group threads created/set up by the VM. Any new functionality added 
 * to this method in the future may have to also be added to the VM.
 * A zero status value corresponds to state "NEW".
    if (threadStatus != 0)
        throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
    if (stopBeforeStart) {

//stop1 is called after stop ensures proper priviledges //stop1 在 stop 之后调用以确保适当的权限

private final **synchronized** void stop1(Throwable th) {
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (security != null) {
    if ((this != Thread.currentThread()) ||
    (!(th instanceof ThreadDeath))) {
    // A zero status value corresponds to "NEW"
if (threadStatus != 0) {
    resume(); // Wake up thread if it was suspended; no-op otherwise
} else {

        // Must do the null arg check that the VM would do with stop0
    if (th == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException();

        // Remember this stop attempt for if/when start is used
    stopBeforeStart = true;
    throwableFromStop = th;

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