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[英]Java: Wait/Notify on multiple threads

I have a class which holds a collection of references to workers threads that receive objects via TCP (1 per client). 我有一个类,其中包含对通过TCP(每个客户端1个)接收对象的工作线程的引用的集合。

I'm trying to make a method getMessage() in my class which waits until any of the workers threads got a message and returns it. 我正在尝试在类中创建方法getMessage() ,该方法要等到任何工作线程都收到一条消息并返回它。

What I got right now is a polling-system: 我现在得到的是一个轮询系统:

public Object getMessage() {  
    while (true) {  
        for (Worker w : workers.values())  
             if (w.msgNumber() != 0)  
                 return w.getLastMsg();  

It works, but I don't think it's very scalable. 它可以工作,但是我认为它不是非常可扩展的。

I know I can do a wait(timeout) on each worker, but the problem stays the same. 我知道我可以对每个工作人员执行wait(timeout)操作,但是问题仍然存在。

Is there some kind of wait/notify mechanism which waits for multiple threads? 是否存在某种等待多个线程的等待/通知机制?

You could look at using a blocking queue for communications between threads. 您可以考虑使用阻塞队列在线程之间进行通信。 The worker thread would insert into the queue, while the getMessage() function pulls a message from the queue. 工作线程将插入队列,而getMessage()函数从队列中提取一条消息。

How about something like: 怎么样:

   try {
        ServerSocket srv = new ServerSocket(port);

        // Wait for connection from client.
        while (true) {
            // Waits for connection
            new Thread(new ServerWorkerThread(srv.accept())).start(); 

    } catch (IOException e) {

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