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[英]How to stop vim from defaulting to older version?

I have the latest version of vim installed in my home dir (I'm a user on a shared environment), with all my customizations and stuff. 我在我的家庭目录中安装了最新版本的vim(我是共享环境中的用户),具有我的所有自定义和内容。 I've set alias vim=$HOME/path_to_vim_dir , in my .zshrc file. 我在.zshrc文件中设置了alias vim=$HOME/path_to_vim_dir I've also set EDITOR=vim , SVN_EDITOR=vim . 我还设置了EDITOR=vimSVN_EDITOR=vim However, anytime I do a commit operation without -m "..." in either git or svn, or even when editing crontab , the version of vim that opens up is an old version somewhere in /usr/share/ ... how do I stop this and get vim (no matter which program calls it) to default to my version? 但是,无论何时我在git或svn中执行没有-m "..."的提交操作,或者甚至在编辑crontab ,打开的vim版本都是/usr/share/的旧版本...我停止这个并获得vim(无论哪个程序调用它)默认为我的版本? I've also tried setting EDITOR=$HOME/path_to_vim_dir/bin/vim , but that has no effect either. 我也尝试过设置EDITOR=$HOME/path_to_vim_dir/bin/vim ,但这也没有效果。

确保您的vim位置在$ PATH上,位于系统范围内安装的位置之前。

Not sure about zsh, but I know in bash you have to export the variables EDITOR or SVN_EDITOR . 不确定zsh,但我知道在bash中你必须导出变量EDITORSVN_EDITOR Simply setting them doesn't do the trick. 简单地设置它们并不成功。

Also, set it to the absolute path of the binary (path_to_your_home/path_to_vim_dir/vim). 另外,将其设置为二进制文件的绝对路径(path_to_your_home / path_to_vim_dir / vim)。

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