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[英]complex JSON parsing using Objective-C


This was the json output 这是json输出

How can I parse inside the items of 3 and 4, say getting the id, energy and name 我如何解析3和4的内容,例如获取ID,能量和名称

Thanks! 谢谢!

If the order inside Flight1 doesn't matter, the following should work: 如果Flight1中的顺序无关紧要,则应执行以下操作:

NSDictionary *flights = … // result from a JSON parser
NSDictionary *flight1 = [flights objectForKey:@"Flight1"];

for (NSString *key in [flight1 allKeys]) {
    NSDictionary *flight1Entry = [flight1 objectForKey:key];

    NSString *entryId = [flight1Entry objectForKey:@"id"];
    NSString *entryName = [flight1Entry objectForKey:@"name"];
    NSString *entryEnergy = [flight1Entry objectForKey:@"energy"];


Otherwise, if you want the keys sorted according to their numeric value: 否则,如果要根据键的数值对键进行排序:

NSDictionary *flights = … // result from a JSON parser
NSDictionary *flight1 = [flights objectForKey:@"Flight1"];
NSArray *flight1Keys = [[flight1 allKeys] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^(id o1, id o2) {
    NSInteger i1 = [o1 integerValue];
    NSInteger i2 = [o2 integerValue];
    NSComparisonResult result;

    if (i1 > i2) result = NSOrderedDescending;
    else if (i1 < i2) result = NSOrderedAscending;
    else result = NSOrderedSame;

    return result;

for (NSString *key in flight1Keys) {
    NSDictionary *flight1Entry = [flight1 objectForKey:key];

    NSString *entryId = [flight1Entry objectForKey:@"id"];
    NSString *entryName = [flight1Entry objectForKey:@"name"];
    NSString *entryEnergy = [flight1Entry objectForKey:@"energy"];


Assuming that you are using the json framework you could access it like this: 假设您正在使用json框架 ,则可以这样访问它:

NSDictionary *jsonDict = [jsonString JSONValue];

NSString *id = [[[jsonDict objectForKey:@"Flight1"] objectForKey:@"3"] objectForKey:@"id"];

This assumes alot, so make use of try except blocks or iterate through the different levels. 这假设很多,因此请尝试使用try除了块,或遍历不同级别。

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