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[英]Surface Distance

I'm really stuck and i can't find any thing helpful in the net about surface distance, what is it and how can i calculate it.我真的被困住了,我在网上找不到任何关于表面距离的有用信息,它是什么以及如何计算它。

I'm guessing the problem here involves distance between two points on the surface of the earth.我猜这里的问题涉及地球表面两点之间的距离。 If the two points are close together you can treat the earth as flat and use the Pythagorean Theorem:如果两点靠得很近,您可以将地球视为平坦的并使用勾股定理:

http://www.purplemath.com/modules/distform.htm http://www.purplemath.com/modules/distform.htm

If they're further apart you need to consider the fact that the earth is spherical.如果它们相距较远,则需要考虑地球是球形的事实。 The distance between two points in this case along the surface of the earth is the "great circle" distance:在这种情况下,沿地球表面的两点之间的距离是“大圆”距离:

http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html

Neither of these methods include the influence of local topology (hills), obstacles (like rivers), or vehicles restricted to a network of routes (roads, railways), all of which complicate the calculations.这些方法都不包括局部拓扑(山)、障碍物(如河流)或受限于路线网络(公路、铁路)的车辆的影响,所有这些都使计算变得复杂。

Make sure you understand the difference between Nautical Miles and Statute Miles if you try to implement these algorithms, or your solution will be wrong.如果您尝试实施这些算法,请确保您了解海里和法定里程之间的区别,否则您的解决方案将是错误的。

Surface Distance based metrics (with spacing as default)基于表面距离的度量(默认为间距)

  • Hausdorff distance豪斯多夫距离
  • Hausdorff distance 95% percentile Hausdorff 距离 95% 百分位
  • Mean (Average) surface distance平均(平均)表面距离
  • Median surface distance中表面距离
  • Std surface distance标准表面距离

Note : These metrics are symmetric , which means the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A.注意:这些度量是对称的,这意味着从 A 到 B 的距离与从 B 到 A 的距离相同。

For each contour voxel of the segmented volume (A), the Euclidean distance from the closest contour voxel of the reference volume (B) is computed and stored as list1 .对于分割体积 (A) 的每个轮廓体素,计算与参考体积 (B) 的最近轮廓体素的欧几里德距离并将其存储为list1 This computation is also performed for the contour voxels of the reference volume (B), stored as list2 .还对存储为list2的参考体积 (B) 的轮廓体素执行此计算。 list1 and list2 are merged to get list3 . list1list2合并得到list3

  • Hausdorff distance is the maximum value of list3 . Hausdorff distancelist3的最大值。
  • Hausdorff distance 95% percentile is the 95% percentile of list3 . Hausdorff distance 95% percentilelist3的 95% percentile。
  • Mean (Average) surface distance is the mean value of list3 . Mean (Average) surface distancelist3的平均值。
  • Median surface distance is the median value of list3 . Median surface distancelist3的中值。
  • Std surface distance is the standard deviation of list3 . Std surface distancelist3的标准偏差。


  1. Heimann T, Ginneken B, Styner MA, et al. Heimann T、Ginneken B、Styner MA 等。 Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets. CT数据集肝脏分割方法的比较和评估。 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. IEEE 医学影像汇刊。 2009;28(8):1251–1265. 2009;28(8):1251–1265。
  2. Yeghiazaryan, Varduhi, and Irina D. Voiculescu. Yeghiazaryan、Varduhi 和 Irina D. Voiculescu。 "Family of boundary overlap metrics for the evaluation of medical image segmentation." “用于评估医学图像分割的边界重叠度量系列。” Journal of Medical Imaging 5.1 (2018): 015006.医学影像杂志 5.1 (2018): 015006。
  3. Ruskó, László, György Bekes, and Márta Fidrich. Ruskó、László、György Bekes 和 Márta Fidrich。 "Automatic segmentation of the liver from multi-and single-phase contrast-enhanced CT images." “从多相和单相对比增强 CT 图像中自动分割肝脏。” Medical Image Analysis 13.6 (2009): 871-882.医学图像分析 13.6 (2009): 871-882。

seg-metrics is a simple package to compute different metrics for Medical image segmentation(images with suffix .mhd , .mha , .nii , .nii.gz or .nrrd ), and write them to csv file. seg-metrics是一个简单的 package,用于计算医学图像分割的不同指标(后缀.mhd.mha.nii.nii.gz.nrrd的图像),并将它们写入 csv 文件。

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