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Apple 是否提供其使用的本地化术语的索引?

[英]Does Apple provide an index of localized terms that it uses?

Does Apple provide developers a set of standard terms in differing languages? Apple 是否为开发者提供了一套不同语言的标准术语? The reason why I ask is that I'm having portions of my application localized and want standard terminology consistently applied throughout the app.我问的原因是我的应用程序的一部分已本地化,并希望在整个应用程序中始终应用标准术语。 I have utilized some tactics to do this with terms like 'Loading...' by changing the language on my device and observing how Apple has interpreted those terms in other languages.我已经使用了一些策略来使用诸如“正在加载...”之类的术语,方法是更改我设备上的语言并观察 Apple 如何用其他语言解释这些术语。 This has only gotten me so far however, and a resource that I can give a translator would go a long way in creating a seamless experience with the consistent application of terminology.然而,到目前为止,这只是让我受益匪浅,而我可以提供给翻译人员的资源将使 go 在创建具有一致应用术语的无缝体验方面有很长的路要走。

It has been two and a half years since posting my radar, but Apple has finally posted its iOS glossaries:发布我的雷达已经两年半了,但苹果终于发布了它的 iOS 词汇表:

You can download them from developer.apple.com, or use this link to quickly find them:您可以从 developer.apple.com 下载它们,或使用此链接快速找到它们:

https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?name=Glossaries%20-%20iOS https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?name=Glossaries%20-%20iOS

EDIT 29 FEB 2020 : This link is still valid and the glossaries have been updated on 15 JAN 2020 with everything updated for iOS 13.3.编辑 2020 年 2 月 29 日:此链接仍然有效,词汇表已于 2020 年 1 月 15 日更新,所有内容都针对 iOS 13.3 进行了更新。

At WWDC this year I went to the Localization Lab to get an answer to this question, since a bona fide answer from Apple was needed.在今年的 WWDC 上,我去本地化实验室寻求这个问题的答案,因为需要来自 Apple 的真诚回答。

From one of their head cheeses in localization he told me that currently there are not any publicly available resources for download for iOS or Snow Leopard.他从他们的一个本地化领域的负责人告诉我,目前没有任何公开可用的资源可供下载 iOS 或 Snow Leopard。 He did tell me, though, that these resources were slated for release in the coming weeks after WWDC.不过,他确实告诉我,这些资源计划在 WWDC 之后的未来几周内发布。

This answer will be updated when the information becomes available.此答案将在信息可用时更新。

UPDATE 19 JUN 2012: Wow, it has been a whole year now. 2012 年 6 月 19 日更新:哇,已经整整一年了。 Obviously Apple didn't come through for us 'in a few weeks'.显然,Apple 并没有在“几周内”为我们提供帮助。 I did talk to them again this year and was given a contact to follow up with via email: I explained that they made a claim to have it last year and this was the response I got:今年我确实再次与他们交谈,并通过 email 与他们取得了联系:我解释说他们去年声称拥有它,这是我得到的回应:

I did check with the documentation folks and found that they're still planning on doing this but it's fallen behind other priorities.我确实检查了文档人员,发现他们仍在计划这样做,但它落后于其他优先事项。 If you haven't already done so, would you mind filing a bug report about this?如果您还没有这样做,您介意提交一份关于此的错误报告吗? That's one of the best ways to convey the desire to the appropriate people.这是向合适的人传达愿望的最佳方式之一。 While I've relayed this feedback to some people it's always best to have a bug report directly from folks outside of Apple.虽然我已将此反馈转发给某些人,但最好直接从 Apple 以外的人那里获得错误报告。 Feel free to forward me the bug number and I'll keep an eye on it.请随时将错误编号转发给我,我会留意它。

Our best bet at this point is to keep filling bug reports so that this gets more attention.在这一点上,我们最好的选择是继续填写错误报告,以便获得更多关注。 Just for the record, I did file a bug report last year.只是为了记录,我去年确实提交了一份错误报告。

Apple provides a number of translation resources that you can download which may or may not be useful. Apple 提供了许多您可以下载的翻译资源,这些资源可能有用也可能没用。 One of these is AppleGlot, a tool for replacing strings in application resources.其中之一是 AppleGlot,一种用于替换应用程序资源中的字符串的工具。 A number of XML-based glossaries for different languages are also available, but they're specific to AppleGlot.许多基于 XML 的用于不同语言的词汇表也可用,但它们是特定于 AppleGlot 的。 You may be able to make AppleGlot work for you, or you might just want to extract what you can from the language glossaries.您也许可以让 AppleGlot 为您工作,或者您可能只想从语言词汇表中提取您能做的事情。 AppleGlot and the glossaries were created to support translation of MacOS applications, so the terms are related to MacOS X and not iOS. AppleGlot 和词汇表是为了支持 MacOS 应用程序的翻译而创建的,因此这些术语与 MacOS X 相关,而不是 iOS。 Nevertheless, I think it's worth a look.不过,我认为值得一看。

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