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Chaco 标记属性

[英]Chaco marker properties

I am looking for a way to use empty circles as markers in Chaco (something like using markeredgecolor in matplotlib).我正在寻找一种在 Chaco 中使用空圆圈作为标记的方法(类似于在 matplotlib 中使用 markeredgecolor)。 Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a list of properties that can be passed to enthought.chaco.api.Plot.plot() to do that, so does anyone know how to do that?不幸的是,我找不到可以传递给 enthought.chaco.api.Plot.plot() 的属性列表,所以有人知道该怎么做吗? (A pointer to a decent Chaco doc would be even nicer...) Thanks, Antony (指向一个像样的 Chaco 文档会更好......)谢谢,安东尼

plot.plot(("index", "value", "color"),
    marker = "square",
    fill_alpha = 0.5,
    marker_size = 6,
    outline_color = "black")

The above is directly from the chaco example cmap_scatter.py: Annotated Chaco Examples以上直接来自chaco示例cmap_scatter.py:Annotated Chaco Examples

When in doubt, always turn to the src-code:-) It looks like Plot is implemented here and the src-code is heavily commented, including examples.如有疑问,请始终求助于 src-code :-) 看起来 Plot 是在这里实现的,并且 src-code 有大量注释,包括示例。

Just out of curiosity (since I'm a big fan of matplotlib), why chako, does it offer something not available in matplotlib?只是出于好奇(因为我是 matplotlib 的忠实粉丝),为什么 chako,它提供了 matplotlib 中没有的东西? :-) :-)

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