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[英]how to insert data to dataset

i have this making table:我有这个制作表:

DataTable WorkTbl()
            DataTable Work= new DataTable("Work"); //Table Name
            DataColumn MAC = new DataColumn("MAC", typeof(string));
            DataColumn ID_OLD = new DataColumn("ID_OLD", typeof(string));

            return Work;

how to insert data to this table and how to convert this table to Dataset?如何将数据插入此表以及如何将此表转换为数据集?

thanks in advance提前致谢

From MSDN:来自 MSDN:

DataRow workRow = workTable.NewRow();

You then can manipulate the newly added row using an index or the column name, as shown in the following example.然后,您可以使用索引或列名来操作新添加的行,如下例所示。

workRow["CustLName"] = "Smith";
workRow[1] = "Smith";

DataSet customerOrders = new DataSet("CustomerOrders");

DataTable ordersTable = customerOrders.Tables.Add("Orders");

DataColumn pkOrderID = 
    ordersTable.Columns.Add("OrderID", typeof(Int32));
ordersTable.Columns.Add("OrderQuantity", typeof(Int32));
ordersTable.Columns.Add("CompanyName", typeof(string));

ordersTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { pkOrderID };

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