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[英]Need Assistance Interpreting PHP File

I have a new project that has a bit of code at the beginning of every page. 我有一个新项目,在每个页面的开头都有一些代码。 I am in need of some clarification on what this series of statements do. 我需要澄清这一系列声明的作用。 Here is the opening call: 这是开幕电话:

$levels = 1;

I understand all of it except how $levels = 1; 除了$levels = 1;之外,我了解所有内容$levels = 1; relates to include("../queries.php"); include("../queries.php");

When I look at include("../queries.php"); 当我看include("../queries.php"); I see that it begins with the following statement: 我看到它始于以下语句:

switch($levels) {
case 1:
$dir = "../";

case 2:
$dir = "../../";

case 3:
$dir = "../../../";

case 4:
$dir = "../../../../";

case 5:
$dir = "../../../../../";
function db_info($table,$where,$value,$info,$dir) {
//the functions just continue from there

This is the portion that I don't follow. 这是我不关注的部分。 I understand that there is a switch statement that offers several cases for $dir based upon the value of $levels which was defined in the first bit of code. 我知道有一个switch语句根据$levels的值(在代码的第一位中定义)提供了$dir的几种情况。 But how do these different outputs for the $dir value translate? 但是$dir值的这些不同输出如何转换? Is this something you've seen or used before? 这是您以前见过或使用过的东西吗? What does the ../ stand for? ../代表什么? Thanks. 谢谢。

../ refers to the parent directory of the current directory. ../指当前目录的父目录。

../../ refers to the parent of the parent. ../../指父母的父母。 etc. 等等

This is a ../ always refers to parent directory , the more ../ the more parents you get. 这是一个../始终指向parent directory../您获得的parent directory越多。 With enough you can get to the root of the file system (though you're better off just using / ). 有了足够的资源,您可以进入文件系统的根目录(尽管最好只使用/ )。 This isn't exactly the best way to accomplish this. 这并不是完成此操作的最佳方法。

$dir = str_repeat( '../', $level );

Would be more obvious and it would be more extensible. 将会更加明显,并且会更加可扩展。 A better option still would be to have some config file which simply did something like: 更好的选择仍然是拥有一些简单的配置文件,例如:

// obviously this would be a better constant name.
define( 'PATH_TO_STUFF', dirname( __FILE__ ) ); // use __DIR__ on PHP 5.>=3

Bonus info: 奖金信息:

  • ./ = current directory ./ =当前目录
  • ../ = parent directory ../ =父目录
  • ./../../ = grandparent of current directory ./../../ =当前目录的祖父母
  • ./../../foo/../ The parent directory of the folder foo in the grandparent directory (ie. the grandparent directory). ./../../foo/../祖父母目录(即祖父母目录)中的foo文件夹的父目录。 (I am your father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's former roommate) (我是您父亲的,兄弟的,侄子的,表弟的前室友)
  • / = file system root directory. / =文件系统根目录。

The ../ means previous/parent directory. ../表示先前/父目录。 So if $level == 1 , then $dir will equal ../ . 因此,如果$level == 1 ,则$dir将等于../

Something else must use dir to construct a path. 其他必须使用dir来构造路径。

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