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[英]Byte collection to string on clojure

The following code 以下代码

(defn caesar-block-cypher
  "Computes the caesar block cypher for the given text with the k key. Returns an array of bytes"
  [k text]
  (let [byte-string (.getBytes text)]
    (loop [return-byte-array [] byte-string byte-string]
      (if (= '() byte-string)
          (conj return-byte-array (byte (+ k (first byte-string))))
          (rest byte-string))))))

Returns an array of bytes after processing the caesar cipher with key k at text. 在处理带有密钥k的caesar密码后,返回一个字节数组。 I want to convert back the byte array to a string or perform the cipher over the string directly, but (new String return-byte-array) doesn't work. 我想将字节数组转换回字符串或直接对字符串执行密码,但(new String return-byte-array)不起作用。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议?

EDIT: Thanks for the responses. 编辑:感谢您的回复。 I recodified this on a more functional style (that actually works): 我在一个更实用的风格(实际上有效)上重新编写了这个:

(defn caesar-block-cypher
  "Computes the caesar block cypher for the given text with the k key."
  [k text & more]
    (let [byte-string (.getBytes (apply str text (map str more)))]
      (apply str (map #(char (mod (+ (int %) k) 0x100)) byte-string))))
(let [byte-array (caesar-block-cypher 1 "Hello, world!")]
    (apply str (map char byte-array)))

Use java's String constructor to create string quickly like this, 使用java的String构造函数快速创建字符串,

(let [b (caesar-block-cypher 1 "Hello World")]
  (String. b))

AFAIK ceaser chipher just shifts chars why are you dealing with bytes, AFAIK ceaser chipher只是改变字符为什么你要处理字节,

(let [s "Attack"
      k 1
      encoded (map #(char (+ (int %) k)) s)
      decoded (map #(char (- (int %) k)) encoded)]
  (apply str decoded))

You can use slurp , it also works for byte arrays: 你可以使用slurp ,它也适用于字节数组:

From https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/slurp#example-588dd268e4b01f4add58fe33 来自https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/slurp#example-588dd268e4b01f4add58fe33

;; you can read bytes also

(def arr-bytes (into-array Byte/TYPE (range 128)))
(slurp arr-bytes)

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