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[英]Upper bound vs lower bound for worst case running time of an algorithm

I am learning about analysis of algorithms.我正在学习算法分析。 I understand the concept of the worst case running time of an algorithm.我理解算法的最坏情况运行时间的概念。

However, what are upper and lower bounds on the worst case running time of an algorithm?但是,算法在最坏情况下运行时间的上限和下限是多少?

What can be an example where an upper bound for the worst case running time of an algorithm is different from the lower bound for the worst case running time of the same algorithm?有什么可以将上结合用于运行算法的时间最坏情况下的例子是从不同的下限为运行相同的算法的时间的最坏情况?

For a function f(n) , g(n) is an upper bound ( big O ) if for "big enough n", f(n)<=c*g(n) , for a constant c .对于函数f(n)g(n)上限大 O ),如果对于“足够大的 n”, f(n)<=c*g(n) ,对于常量c [g dominates f] [g 支配 f]
g(n) is lower bound ( big Omega ) if for "big enough n", f(n) >= c*g(n) , for a constant c . g(n) 是下限大 Omega ),如果对于“足够大的 n”, f(n) >= c*g(n) ,对于常数c [f dominates g] [f 支配 g]

If g(n) is both upper bound and lower bound of f(n) [with different c's], we say g(n) is a tight bound for f(n) [Big theta]如果g(n)f(n)上界和下界 [具有不同的 c],我们说 g(n) 是 f(n) [Big theta] 的紧界

Use example for upper bound instead of tight one : Sometimes, it is hard to find tight bound, such as the fibonacci recursive algorithm.使用上界而不是紧上界的例子:有时,很难找到紧上界,例如斐波递归算法。 So we find an easy upper bound of O(2^n) easily.所以我们很容易找到 O(2^n) 的简单上界。 more info is found in answers in this post .在这篇文章的答案中可以找到更多信息。

How does it related to worst/base/... cases?它与最坏/基本/...情况有什么关系? (as requested by comments): (根据评论要求):

Worst case/average case (or any other case) affects what the complexity function is, but big-O, big-Omega, and big-Theta can be applied to each of these cases.最坏情况/平均情况(或任何其他情况)会影响复杂度函数是什么,但 big-O、big-Omega 和 big-Theta 可以应用于这些情况中的每一种。

For example, a HashTable insert is Θ(1) average case insertion, and Θ(n) worst case insertion.例如,HashTable 插入是Θ(1)平均情况插入和Θ(n)最坏情况插入。 It is also O(n) average case insertion (bound is not tight), and Ω(1) worst case insertion.它也是O(n)平均情况插入(边界不严密)和Ω(1)最坏情况插入。

First, let's talk about cases.首先,让我们谈谈案例。 A case of input for an algorithm is associated with an instance of a problem .算法输入案例问题实例相关联。 For the sorting problem (where we want to find a permutation of a set in a specific order), I can look at an instance like the set of numbers {1, 5, 4, 2, 6}.对于排序问题(我们希望以特定顺序查找集合的排列),我可以查看一个实例,例如数字集合 {1, 5, 4, 2, 6}。 This set of numbers would be the input to a sorting algorithm that purports to solve the sorting problem, like Selection Sort, or one of the other sorting algorithms out there.这组数字将成为旨在解决排序问题的排序算法的输入,例如选择排序或其他排序算法之一。

The same sets of inputs can be given to any algorithm that wants to solve a problem.可以为任何想要解决问题的算法提供相同的输入集。 It doesn't matter what sorting algorithm I use, the set of inputs is always the same (because, by definition, they're all instances of the same problem).不管我使用什么排序算法,输入集总是相同的(因为,根据定义,它们都是同一问题的实例)。 However, a given case can be better or worse for a given algorithm.但是,对于给定算法,给定情况可能更好或更糟。 Some algorithms always perform the same no matter what the inputs are, but some algorithms might do worse on some inputs.无论输入是什么,有些算法总是执行相同的操作,但有些算法在某些输入上可能表现更差。 However, this means that every algorithm has some best case and some worst case;然而,这意味着每个算法都有一些最好的情况和一些最坏的情况; we also sometimes talk about the average case (by taking the average of all the cases) or the expected case (when we have some reason to expect that one case will be more common than others).我们有时也会谈论平均情况(通过取所有情况的平均值)或预期情况(当我们有理由预期一种情况会比其他情况更常见时)。

Algorithm Case Examples算法案例示例

The problem of "find the minimum of an unsorted list" always works the same for every possible input. “找到未排序列表的最小值”的问题对于每个可能的输入总是相同的。 No matter what clever algorithm you write, you have to check every element.不管你写什么聪明的算法,你都必须检查每一个元素。 It doesn't matter if you have a list of zeros or a list of random numbers or a list where the first element is the minimum, you don't know until you get to the end.如果您有一个零列表或随机数列表或第一个元素是最小值的列表,这并不重要,直到您到达最后才知道。 Every case is the same for that algorithm, so the best case is the worst case, and also the average case and the expected case.该算法的每种情况都是相同的,因此最好的情况是最坏的情况,平均情况和预期情况也是如此。 If the list was sorted, we could do better, but that's a different problem.如果列表被排序,我们可以做得更好,但这是一个不同的问题。

The problem of "find a given element in a list" is different. “在列表中查找给定元素”的问题是不同的。 Assuming you were using an algorithm that does a linear walk through the list, it might turn out that the given element was the first element of the list and you're done immediately.假设您使用的是对列表进行线性遍历的算法,结果可能是给定元素是列表的第一个元素,并且您会立即完成。 However, it might also be the last element of the list, in which case you have to walk the whole thing before you find it.但是,它也可能是列表的最后一个元素,在这种情况下,您必须遍历整个内容才能找到它。 So there you had a best case and a worst case.所以你有一个最好的情况和一个最坏的情况。

Algorithms as Functions of Input Size作为输入大小函数的算法

When we want to analyze an algorithm, us algorists think about every possible case we could throw at the algorithm.当我们想要分析一个算法时,我们算法学家会考虑我们可以向算法抛出的每一种可能情况。 Usually, the two most interesting cases are the best case and the worst case.通常,两个最有趣的情况是最好的情况和最坏的情况。 If you think of the algorithms runtime as a function of its input, the best case is the input that minimizes the function and the worst case is the input that maximizes the function.如果您将算法运行时视为其输入的函数,那么最好的情况是最小化函数的输入,而最坏的情况是最大化函数的输入。 I'm using "function" in the Algebra math sense here: a series of x/y pairs (input/output pairs, or in this case "input size/number of execution steps") that draw a line.我在这里使用代数数学意义上的“函数”:绘制一条线的一系列 x/y 对(输入/输出对,或在本例中为“输入大小/执行步骤数”)。

Because algorithms' runtime is a function of its input, we have a different best case (and worst case) for each possible input size.由于算法的运行时间是其输入的函数,因此对于每种可能的输入大小,我们都有不同的最佳情况(和最坏情况)。 So sometimes we treat the best case as a single input, but it's really a set of inputs (one for each input size).所以有时我们将最好的情况视为单个输入,但它实际上是一组输入(每个输入大小一个)。 The best case and worst case are very concrete things with respect to a given algorithm.对于给定的算法来说,最好的情况和最坏的情况是非常具体的事情。


Now what about bounds?现在边界呢? Bounds are functions that we use to compare against a given algorithm's function.边界是我们用来与给定算法的函数进行比较的函数。 There are an infinite number of boundary functions we could consider.我们可以考虑无数的边界函数。 How many possible kinds of lines can you draw on a graph?您可以在图形上绘制多少种可能的线条? That's how many boundary functions there are.这就是边界函数的数量。 Most algorists are usually only interested in a few specific functions: things like the constant function, the linear function, the logarthmic function, the exponential function, etc.大多数算法学家通常只对一些特定的函数感兴趣:常数函数、线性函数、对数函数、指数函数等。

An upper bound is a function that sits on top of another function.上限是位于另一个函数之上的函数。 A lower bound is a function that sits under the other function.下限是位于另一个函数之下的函数。 When we talk about Big O and Big Omega, we don't care if the bounds are ALWAYS above or below the other function, just that after a certain point they always are (because sometimes algorithms get weird for small input sizes).当我们谈论 Big O 和 Big Omega 时,我们并不关心边界是否总是高于或低于另一个函数,只是在某个点之后它们总是如此(因为有时算法对于小输入大小会变得奇怪)。

There are an infinite number of possible upper bounds for any given function, and an infinite number of possible lower bounds for any given function.任何给定函数都有无数个可能的上限,任何给定函数都有无数个可能的下界。 But this is one of those weird times when we're talking about different sizes of infinities.但当我们谈论不同大小的无穷大时,这是那些奇怪的时期之一。 To be an upper bound, the function must not be below the other function, so we rule out the infinite number of functions below the other function (so it's smaller than the set of all possible functions).作为上限,该函数不能低于另一个函数,因此我们排除了另一个函数下面的无限多个函数(因此它小于所有可能函数的集合)。

Of course, just because there are infinite upper bounds, doesn't mean they're all useful.当然,仅仅因为有无限的上限,并不意味着它们都是有用的。 The function f(∞) is an upper bound for every function, but that's like saying "I have less than an infinite number of dollars" - not particularly useful for figuring out if I'm penniless or a millionaire.函数 f(∞) 是每个函数的上限,但这就像在说“我的钱少于无穷多”——对于确定我是身无分文还是百万富翁来说并不是特别有用。 So we are often interested in an upper bound that is "tight" (also known as a "least upper bound" or "supremum"), for which there is no better upper bound.因此,我们经常对“紧”的上限(也称为“最小上限”或“最高”)感兴趣,对此没有更好的上限。

Best/Worst Case + Lower/Upper Bound最佳/最差情况 + 下限/上限

We have best/worst cases that represent the upper and lower functions of an algorithms' runtime function.我们有代表算法运行时函数的上函数和下函数的最佳/最坏情况。 We have upper and lower bounds that represent other functions that could be on top or below (respectively) any other function.我们有上界和下界代表其他函数,它们可能位于(分别)任何其他函数的顶部或下方。 They can be combined to articulate key ideas about algorithms.它们可以结合起来表达关于算法的关键思想。

Worst Case Lower Bound : A function that is a boundary below the algorithms' runtime function, when that algorithm is given the inputs that maximize the algorithm's run time.最坏情况下界:当算法被赋予最大化算法运行时间的输入时,该函数是算法运行时函数下方的边界。

Worst Case Upper Bound : A function that is a boundary above the algorithms' runtime function, when that algorithm is given the inputs that maximize the algorithm's run time. Worst Case Upper Bound :一个函数,它是算法运行时函数之上的边界,当该算法被赋予最大化算法运行时间的输入时。

Best Case Lower Bound : A function that is a boundary below the algorithms' runtime function, when that algorithm is given the inputs that minimize the algorithm's run time.最佳情况下界:当该算法被赋予最小化算法运行时间的输入时,该函数是算法运行时函数下方的边界。

Best Case Upper Bound : A function that is a boundary above the algorithms' runtime function, when that algorithm is given the inputs that minimize the algorithm's run time.最佳情况上限:当该算法被赋予最小化算法运行时间的输入时,该函数是算法运行时函数之上的边界。

Examples of Case Bounds大小写边界的例子

Let's give concrete examples of when we might care about each of these:让我们举出具体的例子来说明我们什么时候可能会关心这些:

Worst Case Lower Bound : The classic example here is comparison-based sorting, which is famously known to be Ω(n log(n)) in the worst case.最坏情况下界:这里的经典示例是基于比较的排序,众所周知,在最坏情况下为 Ω(n log(n))。 No matter what algorithm you devise, I can pick a set of worst-case inputs whereby the tightest lower bound function is log-linear.无论你设计什么算法,我都可以选择一组最坏情况的输入,其中最紧密的下界函数是对数线性的。 You cannot make an algorithm that beats that bound for the worst case, and you shouldn't bother trying.您无法制作出能够超越最坏情况的算法,您也不应该费心去尝试。 It's the basement of sorting.它是排序的基础。 Of course, there are many lower bounds for the worst case: constant, linear, and sublinear are all lower bounds.当然,最坏的情况有很多下界:常数、线性和次线性都是下界。 But they are not useful lower bounds, because there the log-linear lower bound is the tightest one.但它们不是有用的下限,因为对数线性下限是最严格的。

Best Case Lower Bound : Insertion Sort works by walking through the list, and inserting any out-of-order it comes across in the right place.最佳情况下界插入排序的工作原理是遍历列表,并将遇到的任何乱序插入到正确的位置。 If the list is sorted, it will only need to walk through the list once without doing any inserts.如果列表已排序,则只需要遍历列表一次而无需执行任何插入操作。 This means that the tightest lower bound of the best case is Ω(n).这意味着最好情况的最严格的下限是 Ω(n)。 You cannot do better than that without sacrificing correctness, because you still need to be able to walk through the list (linear time).你不能在不牺牲正确性的情况下做得更好,因为你仍然需要能够遍历列表(线性时间)。 However, the lower bound for the best case is better than the lower bound for the worst case!然而,最好情况的下限比最坏情况的下限要好!

Worst Case Upper Bound : We are often interested in finding a tight upper bound on the worst case, because then we know how poorly our algorithm can run in the worst of times.最坏情况上限:我们经常对在最坏情况下找到一个严格的上限感兴趣,因为这样我们就知道我们的算法在最坏的情况下运行得有多糟糕。 Insertion sort's worst case is a list that is completely out of order (ie completely reversed from its correct order).插入排序的最坏情况是一个完全无序的列表(即完全颠倒其正确顺序)。 Every time we see a new item, we have to move it to the start of the list, pushing all subsequent items forward (which is a linear time operation, and doing it a linear number of times leads to quadratic behavior).每次我们看到一个新项目时,我们必须将它移动到列表的开头,将所有后续项目向前推(这是一个线性时间操作,执行线性次数会导致二次行为)。 However, we still know that this insertion behavior will be O(n2) in the worst case, acting as a tight upper bound for the worst case.然而,我们仍然知道这种插入行为在最坏情况下将是 O(n2),作为最坏情况下的严格上限。 It's not great, but it's better than an upper bound of, say, exponential or factorial!这不是很好,但它比指数或阶乘的上限要好! Of course, those are valid upper bounds for the worst case, but again that's not as useful as knowing that quadratic is a tight upper bound.当然,这些是最坏情况下的有效上限,但这又不如知道二次方是一个紧上限那么有用。

Best Case Upper Bound : What's the worst our algorithm can do in the best of times?最佳情况上限:我们的算法在最好的情况下能做到的最坏情况是什么? In example before of finding an element in a list, where the first element was our desired element, the upper bound is O(1).在之前在列表中查找元素的示例中,第一个元素是我们想要的元素,上限是 O(1)。 In the worst case it was linear, but in the best case, the worst that can happen is that it's still constant.在最坏的情况下它是线性的,但在最好的情况下,可能发生的最坏情况是它仍然是恒定的。 This particular idea isn't usually as important as Worst Case Upper Bound, in my opinion, because we're usually more concerned with dealing with the worst case, not the best case.在我看来,这个特定的想法通常不如 Worst Case Upper Bound 重要,因为我们通常更关心处理最坏的情况,而不是最好的情况。

Some of these examples are actually Ө, not just O and Ω.其中一些示例实际上是 Ө,而不仅仅是 O 和 Ω。 In other cases, I could have picked lower or upper bound functions that weren't tight, but were still approximate enough to be useful (remember, if we're not being tight, I have an infinite well to draw from!).在其他情况下,我可以选择不紧的下​​界或上界函数,但仍然足够近似以供使用(请记住,如果我们不紧,我有无限的井可以从中汲取!)。 Note that it can be difficult to find compelling examples of different case/bound combinations, because the combinations have different utility.请注意,可能很难找到不同 case/bound 组合的引人注目的示例,因为这些组合具有不同的效用。

Misconceptions and Terminology误解和术语

Frequently, you'll see people with misconceptions about these definitions.通常,您会看到人们对这些定义有误解 In fact, many perfectly good Computer Scientists will use these terms loosely and interchangeably.事实上,许多非常优秀的计算机科学家会松散地互换使用这些术语。 However, the idea of cases and bounds ARE distinct, and you would do well to make sure you understand them.然而,case 和 bounds 的概念是不同的,你最好确保你理解它们。 Does this mean the difference will come up in your day-to-day?这是否意味着差异会出现在您的日常生活中? No. But when you are choosing between a few different algorithms, you want to read the fine print about the cases and bounds.不。但是当您在几种不同的算法之间进行选择时,您需要阅读有关案例和界限的细则。 Someone telling you that their algorithm has a Best Case Upper Bound of O(1) is probably trying to pull the wool over your eyes - make sure you ask them what the Worst Case Upper Bound is!有人告诉你他们的算法有一个 O(1) 的最佳情况上界可能是想把羊毛拉到你的眼睛上 - 确保你问他们最坏情况上界是什么!

Let me illustrate this by an example:让我通过一个例子来说明这一点:

The worst-case running time for quicksort is Theta(n^2) .快速排序的最坏情况运行时间是Theta(n^2) So a valid lower bound would be Omega(n) and an upper bound would be O(n^3) .所以一个有效的下限是Omega(n) ,上限是O(n^3) This says that in the worst case scenario, quicksort will take at least linear time and at most cubic time.这表示在最坏的情况下,快速排序将花费至少线性时间和最多三次时间。

Now that isn't a very precise statement, but for more complex algorithms, such statements are the best that we can do.现在这不是一个非常精确的陈述,但对于更复杂的算法,这样的陈述是我们能做的最好的。

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