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Drupal 6日历发送邮件通知

[英]Drupal 6 Calendar send mail notification

I am using Drupal 6 and the calendar module, I wonder how can I allow users to put their own events on the calendar, I need to add email notification 24 hours before the event to the event creator. 我正在使用Drupal 6和日历模块,我想知道如何允许用户将自己的事件放在日历上,我需要在事件发生前24小时向事件创建者添加电子邮件通知。

I guess it can be done with a cron job running sql query but I need that sql query please... 我想可以通过运行sql查询的cron作业来完成,但是我需要该sql查询...

if anyone also can suggest a better solution that wil be great ! 如果有人也可以提出更好的解决方案,那就太好了!


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