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[英]matching all characters in any order in regex

I'm a regex newbie, but I understand how to match any characters in a regex query in order (ex. [abc] will match any of a, b or c. Also, I believe "abc" will match abc exactly). 我是一个正则表达式新手,但我理解如何按顺序匹配正则表达式查询中的任何字符(例如[abc]将匹配a,b或c中的任何一个。另外,我相信“abc”将完全匹配abc)。

However, how do I construct a regex query that will match all the characters abc in any order? 但是,如何构造一个匹配所有字符abc的正则表达式查询? So for example, I want it to match "cab" or "bracket". 例如,我希望它匹配“cab”或“bracket”。 I'm using Python as my scripting language (not sure if this matters or not). 我使用Python作为我的脚本语言(不确定这是否重要)。

In Python, I wouldn't use a regualar expression for this purpose, but rather a set: 在Python中,我不会为此目的使用regualar表达式,而是使用set:

>>> chars = set("abc")
>>> chars.issubset("bracket")
>>> chars.issubset("fish")
>>> chars.issubset("bad")

Regular expressions are useful, but there are situations where different tools are more appropriate. 正则表达式很有用,但有些情况下不同的工具更合适。

This can be done with lookahead assertions: 可以通过先行断言来完成:


matches if your string contains at least one occurrence of a , b and c . 如果您的字符串包含至少一个abc匹配项,则匹配。

But as you can see, that's not really what regexes are good at. 但正如你所看到的,那并不是正则表达式所擅长的。

I would have done: 我会做的:

if all(char in mystr for char in "abc"):
    # do something

Checking for speed: 检查速度:

>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='chars.issubset("bracket");chars.issubset("notinhere")',
... setup='chars=set("abc")')
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='all(char in "bracket" for char in s);all(char in "notinhere" for char in s)', 
... setup='s="abc"')
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='r.match("bracket"); r.match("notinhere")', 
... setup='import re; r=re.compile("(?=.*a)(?=.*b)(?=.*c)")')

Hey, look, the regex wins! 嘿,看,正则表达胜利! This even holds true for longer search strings: 这甚至适用于较长的搜索字符串:

>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='chars.issubset("bracketed");chars.issubset("notinhere")', 
... setup='chars=set("abcde")')
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='all(char in "bracketed" for char in s);all(char in "notinhere" for char in s)', 
... setup='s="abcde"')
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='r.match("bracketed"); r.match("notinhere")', 
... setup='import re; r=re.compile("(?=.*a)(?=.*b)(?=.*c)(?=.*d)(?:.*e)")')

Here is a timeit comparison of issubset versus the regex solutions. 以下是issubset正则表达式解决方案的时间比较。

import re

def using_lookahead(text):
    return pat.search(text)

def using_set(text):
    return chars.issubset(text)

For small strings, issubset may be slightly faster: 对于小字符串, issubset可能会稍快一点:

% python -mtimeit -s'import test' "test.using_set('bracket')"
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.63 usec per loop
% python -mtimeit -s'import test' "test.using_lookahead('bracket')"
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.87 usec per loop

For long strings, regex is clearly faster: 对于长字符串,正则表达式显然更快:

  • when the match comes late: 比赛来晚了:

     % python -mtimeit -s'import test' "test.using_set('o'*1000+'bracket')" 10000 loops, best of 3: 49.7 usec per loop % python -mtimeit -s'import test' "test.using_lookahead('o'*1000+'bracket')" 100000 loops, best of 3: 6.66 usec per loop 
  • when the match comes early: 比赛来得早:

     % python -mtimeit -s'import test' "test.using_set('bracket'+'o'*1000)" 10000 loops, best of 3: 50 usec per loop % python -mtimeit -s'import test' "test.using_lookahead('bracket'+'o'*1000)" 100000 loops, best of 3: 13.9 usec per loop 

(To answer a question in the comments:) r'^(?=.*a)(?=.*b)(?=.*c)' can be used to signal a match: (要回答评论中的问题:) r'^(?=.*a)(?=.*b)(?=.*c)'可用于表示匹配:

In [40]: pat=re.compile(r'^(?=.*a)(?=.*b)(?=.*c)')

In [41]: pat.search('bracket')
Out[41]: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x9f9a6b0>

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