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[英]Simulate Clicking on link to show notification - jQuery and CSS3

I can currently only show a notification bar by physically clicking on the link. 我目前只能通过物理地单击链接来显示通知栏。 I want this to be automated by jQuery simulating a click to show the notification bar. 我希望通过jQuery模拟单击以显示通知栏来使其自动化。

The notification code is: 通知代码为:

<div class="success message" id="success_message">
    <p>Reserved Listing has been added to the system!</p>

Which only shows if I click on: 仅当我单击时显示:

<a href="#" class="trigger success-trigger">Test</a>

Any help on a jQuery script to simulate clicking the above code would be highly appreciated. 我们非常感谢您提供有关jQuery脚本以模拟点击上述代码的任何帮助。 I am aware I would need an id tag to reference it? 我知道我需要一个id标记来引用它吗?

Many thanks in advance 提前谢谢了


If this is the only anchor that triggers your success bar then you should use an ID. 如果这是触发成功栏的唯一锚点,则应使用一个ID。 Either way something like: 两种方式都可以:

<a id="successTrigger"></a>


should work 应该管用

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