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[英]BGP vs OSPF and IsIs

Why hasn't BGP completely replaced OSPF and IsIs? BGP为什么没有完全取代OSPF和IsIs? What do the other two protocols handle that BGP does not already implement? BGP尚未实现的其他两种协议将处理什么?

In what circumstances would it ever be practical for BGP to replace OSPF or ISIS? 在什么情况下BGP取代OSPF或ISIS可行?

BGP is an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), it does not understand items like the bandwidth of links. BGP是一种外部网关协议(EGP),它不了解链接带宽之类的项目。 Compare this to any Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), including the two you mentioned, that make their routing decisions partly on available link speed. 将此与任何内部网关协议(IGP)(包括您提到的两个协议)进行比较,它们可以部分根据可用链路速度来决定路由。

BGP is more complex to configure properly than any IGP, add on the lack of support by lower end routers (not just bottom end routers) and the lack of automatic neighbour discovery and it becomes plain why BGP isn't about to take over any time soon, or ever in fact. BGP的正确配置比任何IGP都要复杂,加上缺乏低端路由器(不仅是低端路由器)的支持以及缺乏自动邻居发现的能力,这清楚地说明了BGP不会在任何时候接管的原因不久或实际上

BGP is an Inter-domain protocol, which we use as example to assure communication between Autonomous System. BGP是一种域间协议,我们以BGP为例来确保自治系统之间的通信。
On the other hand OSPF is an Intra-domain protocol, which we use inside the AS in order to specify how routers communicate with each other. 另一方面,OSPF是域内协议,我们在AS内部使用该协议以指定路由器之间的通信方式。

Two additional observations that have not yet been covered in the previous answers: 先前的答案中尚未涵盖的另外两个观察结果:

  1. OSPF and ISIS assume that they run within a single administrative domain, which means that all routers are run by the same organization. OSPF和ISIS假定它们在单个管理域中运行,这意味着所有路由器都由同一组织运行。 As such, these protocols share a lot of information (eg full topology) amongst the routers. 这样,这些协议在路由器之间共享许多信息(例如完整拓扑)。 BGP, on the other hand, is run between different administrative domains, ie between routers that are owned by different (possibly competing) organizations. 另一方面,BGP在不同的管理域之间运行,即在不同(可能是竞争的)组织拥有的路由器之间运行。 As such, BGP is very careful to only share the minimum amount of information needed to make routing work (eg not the internal topology of an autonomous system). 因此,BGP非常小心,只共享使路由工作所需的最少信息量(例如,不自治系统的内部拓扑)。 Also, instead of just focusing on finding the short path between two points, BGP provides a very rich "policy framework" that allows organizations to reflect business policies (= $$$) in BGP routing policies. 此外,BGP不仅专注于寻找两点之间的短路径,还提供了非常丰富的“策略框架”,使组织能够在BGP路由策略中反映业务策略(= $$$)。 For example, BGP provides the tools necessary to allow a company to decide whether or not they are willing to provide transit for another company. 例如,BGP提供了必要的工具,使公司可以决定是否愿意为另一家公司提供传输。 These BGP policy tools are very rich but also very complex, which makes BGP often an overkill as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). 这些BGP策略工具非常丰富,但也非常复杂,这使BGP通常成为内部网关协议(IGP)的过大杀伤力。

  2. The current implementations of BGP typically scale to much larger networks (the entire Internet!) than the current implementations of OSPF and ISIS (typically hundreds of routers at the most). 与OSPF和ISIS的当前实现(通常最多为数百台路由器)相比,BGP的当前实现通常可扩展到更大的网络(整个Internet!)。 For that reason, some of the very largest networks run by the "hyperscale" companies (think Google, Microsoft, Amazon who have data centers with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of servers) are sometimes using BGP instead of OSPF or ISIS inside their data centers. 因此,“超大规模”公司(例如Google,Microsoft,Amazon的数据中心拥有数万甚至数十万服务器的数据中心)运营的一些最大的网络有时会在内部使用BGP而不是OSPF或ISIS他们的数据中心。 See RFC7938 ( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7938 ) for details. 有关详细信息,请参见RFC7938( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7938 )。 Alternatively, they can also run a centralized control plane using Software Defined Networking (SDN). 另外,他们还可以使用软件定义网络(SDN)运行集中式控制平面。

From CISCO's BGP page : CISCO的BGP页面

Q - Can IBGP be used in place of an IGP (RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, or ISIS)? 问-是否可以使用IBGP代替IGP(RIP,IGRP,EIGRP,OSPF或ISIS)?

A - Yes and no. A-是和否。 Remember that the next-hop information from EBGP is carried into IBGP. 请记住,来自EBGP的下一跳信息被携带到IBGP中。 If IBGP does not have a route to reach the next hop, then the route will be discarded. 如果IBGP没有到达下一跳的路由,则该路由将被丢弃。 Typically an IGP needs to be used to exchange routes to the next hop, but this can be achieved by using static routes on all the routers running IBGP. 通常,需要使用IGP交换到下一跳的路由,但这可以通过在运行IBGP的所有路由器上使用静态路由来实现。 So, the answer is yes if you want to use and maintain static routes. 因此,如果您要使用和维护静态路由,答案是肯定的。 Otherwise, the answer is no. 否则,答案是否定的。

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