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[英]Which official document describes the icons and iTunesArtwork that has to be included in an app bundle?

I've got the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf, but a search for "Icon-Small" or "iTunesArtwork" returns no match. 我有iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf,但搜索“Icon-Small”或“iTunesArtwork”不会返回匹配项。

There must be a different document which goes into detail what icons are needed, and specifically how the iTunesArtwork has to be created. 必须有一个不同的文档详细说明需要哪些图标,特别是如何创建iTunesArtwork。 Which one is it? 哪一个? I remember there was one which talked about iTunesArtwork and explicitely mentioning not to add an extension as well as not to add alpha, but that's almost 2 years ago. 我记得有一个人谈到了iTunesArtwork,并明确提到不添加扩展以及不添加alpha,但这已经差不多2年了。

Edit: Found it in the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf on page 11. It's in a blurry image, so search didn't work because of that. 编辑:在第11页的iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf中找到它。它处于模糊图像中,因此搜索无法正常工作。 Anyways, I also remember there was a more detailed discussion about this somewhere else. 无论如何,我还记得在其他地方有更详细的讨论。

Look at Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines and the "App Icons on iPad and iPhone" Q&A too. 查看自定义图标和图像创建指南以及“iPad和iPhone上的应用程序图标”问答

There is also this Programming Guide that talks about the subject. 还有这个编程指南 ,讨论这个主题。

Note: Got all this using a simple Google Search anyway 注意:无论如何都要使用简单的Google搜索

The "Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines" section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines has detailed information about the various icons you need to create for your app: http://developer.apple.com/library/IOs/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconsImages/IconsImages.html iOS人机界面指南的“自定义图标和图像创建指南”部分提供了有关您需要为应用创建的各种图标的详细信息: http//developer.apple.com/library/IOs/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual /MobileHIG/IconsImages/IconsImages.html

Also, you don't need to include iTunesArtwork in your app bundle. 此外,您不需要在应用包中包含iTunesArtwork。 See my answer to this question: iPhone/iPad and iTunesArtwork 请参阅我对这个问题的回答: iPhone / iPad和iTunesArtwork


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