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Which official document describes the icons and iTunesArtwork that has to be included in an app bundle?

I've got the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf, but a search for "Icon-Small" or "iTunesArtwork" returns no match.

There must be a different document which goes into detail what icons are needed, and specifically how the iTunesArtwork has to be created. Which one is it? I remember there was one which talked about iTunesArtwork and explicitely mentioning not to add an extension as well as not to add alpha, but that's almost 2 years ago.

Edit: Found it in the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf on page 11. It's in a blurry image, so search didn't work because of that. Anyways, I also remember there was a more detailed discussion about this somewhere else.

Look at Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines and the "App Icons on iPad and iPhone" Q&A too.

There is also this Programming Guide that talks about the subject.

Note: Got all this using a simple Google Search anyway

The "Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines" section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines has detailed information about the various icons you need to create for your app: http://developer.apple.com/library/IOs/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconsImages/IconsImages.html

Also, you don't need to include iTunesArtwork in your app bundle. See my answer to this question: iPhone/iPad and iTunesArtwork


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