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[英]How do I deal with Scala collections generically?

I have realized that my typical way of passing Scala collections around could use some improvement. 我已经意识到我传递Scala集合的典型方式可以使用一些改进。

def doSomethingCool(theFoos: List[Foo]) = { /* insert cool stuff here */ }

// if I happen to have a List

// but elsewhere I may have a Vector, Set, Option, ...

I tend to write my library functions to take a List as the parameter type, but I'm certain that there's something more general I can put there to avoid all the occasional .toList calls I have in the application code. 我倾向于编写我的库函数来将List作为参数类型,但我确信有一些更通用的东西我可以放在那里以避免我在应用程序代码中偶尔的.toList调用。 This is especially annoying since my doSomethingCool function typically only needs to call map , flatMap and filter , which are defined on all the collection types. 这尤其令人讨厌,因为我的doSomethingCool函数通常只需要调用mapflatMapfilter ,它们都是在所有集合类型上定义的。

What are my options for that 'something more general'? 对于那种“更普遍的东西”,我有哪些选择?

Here are more general traits, each of which extends the previous one: 以下是更一般的特征,每个特征都扩展了前一个特征:

  • GenTraversableOnce
  • GenTraversable
  • GenIterable
  • GenSeq

The traits above do not specify whether the collection is sequential or parallel. 上述特征未指定集合是顺序还是并行。 If your code requires that things be executed sequentially (typically, if your code has side effects of any kind), they are too general for it. 如果您的代码要求按顺序执行某些操作(通常,如果您的代码具有任何类型的副作用),则它们过于笼统。

The following traits mandate sequential execution: 以下特征要求顺序执行:

  • TraversableOnce
  • Traversable
  • Iterable
  • Seq
  • LinearSeq

The first one, TraversableOnce only allows you to call one method on the collection. 第一个, TraversableOnce只允许您在集合上调用一个方法。 After that, the collection has been "used". 之后,该集合已被“使用”。 In exchange, it is general enough to accept iterators as well as collections. 作为交换,它通常足以接受迭代器和集合。

Traversable is a pretty general collection that has most methods. Traversable是一个非常通用的集合,拥有大多数方法。 There are some things it cannot do, however, in which case you need to go to Iterable . 但有些事情是不能做的,在这种情况下你需要去Iterable

All Iterable implement the iterator method, which allows you to get an Iterator for that collection. 所有Iterable实现了iterator方法,它允许您获取该集合的Iterator This gives it the capability for a few methods not present in Traversable . 这使它能够使用Traversable不存在的一些方法。

A Seq[A] implements the function Int => A , which means you can access any element by its index. Seq[A]实现函数Int => A ,这意味着您可以通过索引访问任何元素。 This is not guaranteed to be efficient, but it is a guarantee that each element has an index, and that you can make assertions about what that index is going to be. 这不能保证有效,但它保证每个元素都有一个索引,并且您可以对该索引的内容进行断言。 Contrast this with Map and Set , where you cannot tell what the index of an element is. 将其与MapSet对比,您无法分辨元素的索引。

A LinearSeq is a Seq that provides fast head , tail , isEmpty and prepend. LinearSeq是一个提供快速headtailisEmpty和prepend的Seq This is as close as you can get to a List without actually using a List explicitly. 这是尽可能接近List而不实际明确使用List

Alternatively, you could have an IndexedSeq , which has fast indexed access (something List does not provide). 或者,您可以拥有一个IndexedSeq ,它具有快速索引访问权限( List不提供)。

See also this question and this FAQ based on it. 另请参阅此问题以及基于此的常见问题解答

The most obvious one is to use Traversable as the most general trait which will have the goodies you want. 其中最明显的是使用Traversable作为,这将有你想要的东西最一般的特质。 However, I think you are generally better sticking to: 但是,我认为你通常更好地坚持:

  • Seq
  • IndexedSeq
  • Set
  • Map

A Seq will cover List , Vector etc, IndexedSeq will cover Vector etc etc. I found myself not using Iterable because I often need (or want) to know the size of the thing I have and back pre scala-2.8 Iterable did not provide access to this , so I kept having to turn things into sequences anyway! Seq将覆盖ListVector等, IndexedSeq将覆盖Vector等等。我发现自己不使用Iterable因为我经常需要(或想要)知道我拥有的东西的大小并且返回预scala-2.8 Iterable没有提供访问权限对此 ,所以我总是不得不把事情变成序列!

Looks like Traversable and Iterable now have size methods so maybe I should go back to using them! 看起来像TraversableIterable现在有size方法,所以也许我应该回去使用它们! Of course you could start "going mad" with GenTraversableOnce but that is not likely to aid in readability. 当然,您可以使用GenTraversableOnce开始“疯狂”,但这不太可能有助于提高可读性。

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