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从 matplotlib 中的直方图数据绘制折线图

[英]Plot line graph from histogram data in matplotlib

I have a numpy array of ints representing time periods, which I'm currently plotting in a histogram to get a nice distribution graph, using the following code:我有一个表示时间段的 numpy 整数数组,我目前正在使用以下代码将其绘制在直方图中以获得不错的分布图:


However I'm trying to modify this graph to represent the exact same data using a line instead of bars, so I can overlay more samples to the same plot and have them be clear (otherwise the bars overlap each other).但是,我正在尝试修改此图以使用线而不是条来表示完全相同的数据,因此我可以将更多样本叠加到同一个图中并使它们清晰(否则条相互重叠)。 What I've tried so far is to collate the data array into an array of tuples containing (time, count), and then plot it using到目前为止我所尝试的是将数据数组整理成包含(时间,计数)的元组数组,然后使用


However that's not giving me anything close, as I can't accurately simulate the bins option of the histogram in my plot.然而,这并没有给我任何接近的结果,因为我无法在我的情节中准确地模拟直方图的 bins 选项。 Is there a better way to do this?有一个更好的方法吗?

I am very late to the party - but maybe this will be useful to someone else.我参加聚会很晚 - 但也许这对其他人有用。 I think what you need to do is set the histtype parameter to 'step', ie我认为您需要做的是将 histt​​ype 参数设置为 'step',即

ax.hist(data,bins=100,range=(minimum,maximum),facecolor="r", histtype = 'step')

See also http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/pylab_examples/histogram_demo_extended.html另见http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/pylab_examples/histogram_demo_extended.html

You can save the output of hist and then plot it.您可以保存hist的输出,然后绘制它。

import numpy as np
import pylab as p

bincenters = 0.5*(binEdges[1:]+binEdges[:-1])

Seaborn had what I needed: Seaborn 有我需要的东西:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

sb.distplot(data, hist=False)

如果使用 seaborn 库,因为 distplot 函数已被弃用:

import seaborn

seaborn.histplot(data, element = 'poly', fill= False)


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