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[英]Running script on elevated cmd.exe

How do I ran a script after I open a command window using the below script? 使用以下脚本打开命令窗口后,如何运行脚本?

Set objSh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objSh.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "uac" , "", "runas", 1

For example, how do I run ipconfig as an admin using the above script? 例如,如何使用上述脚本以管理员身份运行ipconfig

If you specify the /c switch, then cmd.exe will carry out the specified command and then terminate. 如果指定/c开关,则cmd.exe将执行指定的命令,然后终止。

So, for example: 因此,例如:

Set objSh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objSh.ShellExecute "cmd.exe /c ipconfig", "uac" , "", "runas", 1

Alternatively, you could use the /k switch, which works exactly the same way, except it keeps the command prompt on the screen once your command finishes executing. 另外,您可以使用/k开关,其工作方式完全相同,不同之处在于,一旦您的命令执行完毕,它将在屏幕上保留命令提示符。

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