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[英]iOS distribution certificate, sign by another developer

My company just built an app for a client who already has an Apple Developer account and had already created their Distribution Certificates. 我的公司刚为已经拥有Apple Developer帐户且已经创建了分发证书的客户构建了一个应用程序。 When the cert is downloaded to our build machine, it obviously isn't signed by us. 当证书下载到我们的构建机器时,它显然不是由我们签署的。

Is it possible for us to sign the cert they have already created so we can get the app submitted? 我们是否可以签署他们已经创建的证书,以便我们可以提交应用程序?

Please ask client to provide you Certificate.p12 that will include the certificate and the private key. 请让客户提供Certificate.p12,其中包括证书和私钥。

In order to create .p12, go to Keychain Access, select the certificates option in second block in left pane, and then select the certificate you want and right click > Export > Enter the password for p12 > enter Mac password > save at your desired location. 要创建.p12,请转到Keychain Access,在左窗格的第二个块中选择证书选项,然后选择所需的证书并右键单击>导出>输入p12的密码>输入Mac密码>保存到您想要的位置。

To install at your side, just get that p12 from client, double click to open it, and enter the password which client has entered for p12. 要安装在您身边,只需从客户端获取p12,双击打开它,然后输入客户为p12输入的密码。

Finally, you are done with getting distribution certificate which is signed at clients place. 最后,您完成了获取在客户端签名的分发证书。

So I've addressed this one of two ways with my clients. 所以我已经与客户解决了这两种方式之一。 Assumption here is that the client trusts you enough... 这里假设客户信任你......

  1. Ask for the client's Apple Developer login and password info, revoke the current distribution certificate and build a new one using your build machine. 询问客户的Apple Developer登录名和密码信息,撤销当前的分发证书并使用您的构建计算机构建一个新的证书。 Boom! 繁荣! Sign and submit. 签名并提交。

  2. Ask the client to supply you with the private key he/she used to sign the original distribution certificate. 要求客户提供他/她用于签署原始分发证书的私钥。 This is done via Keychain Access (see Ronak's answer for specifics). 这是通过Keychain Access完成的(参见Ronak对具体细节的回答)。

If said client gets leery about #1, he/she can change their development account password once the app gets submitted and approved, then revoke/make a new distribution certificate. 如果所述客户对#1持怀疑态度,他/她可以在应用程序提交并获得批准后更改其开发帐户密码,然后撤销/制作新的分发证书。

Getting your client's private key (#2) poses some security risks for your client, but it's the only other way I'm aware of. 获取客户端的私钥(#2)会给您的客户带来一些安全风险,但这是我所知道的唯一其他方式。


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