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[英]How to find the kth largest element in the union of two sorted arrays?

I need to find the k largest element in two sorted arrays, but with a twist. 我需要在两个排序的数组中找到k最大的元素,但是有一个扭曲。

This algorithm assumes k<=max(m,n) and indexes go awry when k>max(m,n) . k>max(m,n)k<=max(m,n) 算法假设k<=max(m,n)并且索引出错。 In my problem i know that will always be k>(m+n)/2 and hence k>min(m,n) so i need to change Jules Olléon's answer a little bit...i just don't see which bit :~ 在我的问题中,我知道将永远是k>(m+n)/2 ,因此k>min(m,n)所以我需要改变JulesOlléon的答案......我只是看不出哪一点:〜

I've found this link page 3, but there is bug there (when implemented, it doesn't return the right answer) 我已经找到了这个链接第3页,但是那里有bug(当实现时,它没有返回正确的答案)

I know a quick fix would be to multiply both arrays by -1 and take the k smallest of that union and multiply back the answer by -1 but that'll make the code unreadable. 我知道快速解决方法是将两个数组乘以-1并取该联合中的k个最小值并将该答案乘以-1但这将使代码不可读。

This is not a homework. 不是作业。

Ok, i think i'm missunderstanding Neil's answer or something else because this is what i give 'him' 好吧,我想我很想念尼尔的回答或其他什么,因为这就是我给'他'的东西

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>

#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
using Eigen::VectorXf;
using Eigen::VectorXi;

float getNth(VectorXf& v1,VectorXf& v2,int& n){
        int step=(n/4),i1=(n/2),i2=(n-i1);
        while(!(v2(i2)>=v1(i1-1) && v1(i1)>v2(i2-1))){                   
            } else {
            if(!step) step=1;
            return v1(i1-1);
            return v2(i2-1);    
int main(){  
    int p,q,n,k,l;
    float sol;
    std:: cout << "enter p " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> p; 
    std:: cout << "enter q " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> q;
    std:: cout  << " enter k larger than " << std::min(p,q) << " and smaller than " << n-1 << std::endl;
    std::cin >> k;


    VectorXf v1=VectorXf::Random(p);
    VectorXf v2=VectorXf::Random(q);
    VectorXf v3(n);
    v3 << v1, v2;
    std::sort(v3.data(),v3.data()+v3.size(),std::greater<float>()); //std::greater<float>()

    std::cout << sol << std::endl;
    std::cout << v3(k) <<   std::endl;
    return 0;  

and this is what i get: 这就是我得到的:

enter p 
enter q 
 enter k larger than 12 and smaller than 43
nthoftwo: /Desktop/work/p1/geqw4/vi3/out/sp/ccode/eigen/Eigen/src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h:409: Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Scalar& Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::operator()(Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Index) [with Derived = Eigen::Matrix<float, -0x00000000000000001, 1>, Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Scalar = float, Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Index = long int]: Assertion `index >= 0 && index < size()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

if you are unfamiliar with eigen: the error is an index out of bound error caused by getNth(v1,v2,k) 如果您不熟悉eigen:错误是由getNth(v1,v2,k)引起的索引超出范围的错误

EDIT: 编辑:

this is a very minor modification on JF Sebastian' simple and elegant solution below --all mistakes are mine, but it seems to work. 这是对JF Sebastian下面简单而优雅的解决方案的一个非常小的修改 - 所有错误都是我的,但似乎有效。 The aim was to work with the original indexes (ie i'm not sure Neil's idea is indispensable). 目的是使用原始索引(即我不确定Neil的想法是不可或缺的)。

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>

#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
using Eigen::VectorXf;
using Eigen::VectorXi;

template<class RandomIterator,class Compare>
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIterator>::value_type
nsmallest(RandomIterator firsta,RandomIterator lasta,RandomIterator firstb,RandomIterator lastb,size_t n,Compare less) {
  if (firsta==lasta) return *(firstb+n);
  if (firstb==lastb) return *(firsta+n);

  size_t mida=(lasta-firsta)/2;
  size_t midb=(lastb-firstb)/2;
  if ((mida+midb)<n)
    return less(*(firstb+midb),*(firsta+mida))?
    return less(*(firstb+midb),*(firsta+mida))?
int main(){  
    int p,q,n,k,l;
    float sol;
    std:: cout << "enter p " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> p; 
    std:: cout << "enter q " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> q;
    std:: cout  << " enter k larger than " << std::min(p,q) << " and smaller than " << n-1 << std::endl;
    std::cin >> k;

    VectorXf v1=VectorXf::Random(p);
    VectorXf v2=VectorXf::Random(q);
    VectorXf v3(n);
    v3 << v1, v2;

//if it works, these two should return the same.
    std::cout << sol << std::endl;  
    std::cout << v3(k) << std::endl;
    return 0;  

From your comments I understand that you want to find k-th smallest value given 2 inversely sorted array eg, for a={5,4,3}, b={2,1,0}; 从你的评论我明白你想找到给定2个反向排序的数组的第k个最小值,例如,对于a={5,4,3}, b={2,1,0}; and k=1 the expected result is 0 ie, the minimum value -- the first smallest value (it means that k is counted from 1 ). 并且k=1 ,预期结果为0即最小值 - 第一个最小值(表示k1计数)。

Given nsmallest() function that works on sorted arrays and accepts a custom comparator you could: 鉴于nsmallest()函数适用于已排序的数组并接受自定义比较器,您可以:

#include <functional> // greater<>
#include <iostream>

#define SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a))

int main() {
  int a[] = {5,4,3};
  int b[] = {2,1,0};
  int k = 1; // find minimum value, the 1st smallest value in a,b

  int i = k - 1; // convert to zero-based indexing
  int v = nsmallest(a, a + SIZE(a), b, b + SIZE(b),
            SIZE(a)+SIZE(b)-1-i, std::greater<int>());
  std::cout << v << std::endl; // -> 0
  return v;

I've used @Neil's suggestion to fix the index and @lambdapilgrim's answer for the algorithm : 我用@ Neil的建议来修复索引@ lambdapilgrim的算法答案

#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>

template<class RandomIterator, class Compare>
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIterator>::value_type
nsmallest(RandomIterator firsta, RandomIterator lasta,
          RandomIterator firstb, RandomIterator lastb,
          size_t n,
          Compare less) {
  assert(n < static_cast<size_t>((lasta - firsta) + (lastb - firstb)));
  if (firsta == lasta) return *(firstb + n);
  if (firstb == lastb) return *(firsta + n);

  size_t mida = (lasta - firsta) / 2;
  size_t midb = (lastb - firstb) / 2;
  if ((mida + midb) < n)
    return less(*(firstb + midb), *(firsta + mida)) ?
      nsmallest(firsta, lasta, firstb + midb + 1, lastb, n - (midb + 1), less) :
      nsmallest(firsta + mida + 1, lasta, firstb, lastb, n - (mida + 1), less);
    return less(*(firstb + midb), *(firsta + mida)) ?
      nsmallest(firsta, firsta + mida, firstb, lastb, n, less) :
      nsmallest(firsta, lasta, firstb, firstb + midb, n, less);

The k th largest element is also the m + n + 1 - k th* smallest element so you could try solving the problem that way. k个最大元素也是m + n + 1 - k th *最小元素,因此您可以尝试以这种方式解决问题。

*Counting from 1. If k is counting from 0, use m + n - 1 - k instead. *从1开始计数。如果k从0开始计数,则使用m + n - 1 - k代替。

我相信你想要类似于mergesort的合并步骤的东西,你可以逐步地将m的第i个元素与n的第j个元素进行比较 - 但是不是将数值存储在数组中,而是仅仅寻找第k个最小的 - 所以当你找到它时,返回该值(和/或其索引)并退出该函数。

I am not sure what the deal is about k>max(m,n)! 我不确定这笔交易是关于k> max(m,n)的!

A simple solution: 简单的解决方案:

def find(v1, start1, end1, v2, start2, end2, k):
    i = (start1+end1)/2
    j = binsearchrank(v2, start2, end2, v1[i])
    ranki = (i-start1+1) + (j-start2)
    if ranki > k:
        return find(v2, start2, j, v1, start1, i, k)
    elif ranki < k:
        return find(v2, j, end2, v1, i+1, end1, k-ranki)
        return v1[i]

Complexity is O(log^2n) 复杂度为O(log ^ 2n)

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