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[英]REGEX to check for phrase within first 25 characters

I'm using regular expressions to match a keyword. 我正在使用正则表达式来匹配关键字。 Is it possible to check for this keyword within ONLY the first 25 characters? 是否可以仅在前25个字符内检查此关键字?

For example, I want to find "APPLE" : 例如,我想找到"APPLE"

'Johnny picked an APPLE from the tree' - Match Found (within first 25 chars) 'Johnny picked an APPLE from the tree' -找到匹配项(前25个字符以内)

'Johnny picked something from a tree that had an APPLE' - Not Found (because APPLE does not exist within the first 25 chars). 'Johnny picked something from a tree that had an APPLE' -未找到(因为在前25个字符中不存在'Johnny picked something from a tree that had an APPLE' )。

Is there syntax for this? 有语法吗?

A simple solution would be to slice off the 25 first characters and then do the regex matching. 一个简单的解决办法是将断25个第一字符,然后执行正则表达式匹配。

myString = 'Johnny picked an APPLE from the tree'
slicedString = myString[:25]
# do regex matching on slicedString

Yes it is. 是的。 You prefix your keyword with zero to 25 - length(keyword) "any" characters. 您为关键字加上0到25-长度(关键字)“ any”个字符的前缀。

I'm not sure if this is actual python syntax, but the RE should be ^.{0,20}APPLE . 我不确定这是否是真正的python语法,但RE应该是^.{0,20}APPLE

Edit: for clarification 编辑:为澄清

  • ^.{0,20}APPLE should be used when looking for a substring. 查找子字符串时,应使用^.{0,20}APPLE Use this in Python. 在Python中使用它。
  • .{0,20}APPLE.* should be used when matching the whole string. 匹配整个字符串时,应使用.{0,20}APPLE.*

Another edit: Apparently Python only has substring mode, so the ^ anchor is necessary. 另一个编辑:显然,Python仅具有子字符串模式,因此^锚是必需的。

Try using a slice on your string: 尝试在字符串上使用切片

>>> import re
>>> string1 = "Johnny picked an APPLE from the tree"
>>> string2 = "Johnny picked something from a tree that had an APPLE"
>>> re.match(".*APPLE.*", string1[:25])  # Match
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x2364030>
>>> re.match(".*APPLE.*", string2[:25])  # Does not match

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