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xtk 2D渲染器与onMousedown位置链接

[英]xtk 2D renderer linking with onMousedown position

Is there a way to link three 2D renderers together so that when one is clicked on the other two move to the slices of the point that was clicked? 有没有一种方法可以将三个2D渲染器链接在一起,以便在单击一个时将另外两个渲染器移动到被单击点的切片? Here is an example of what I mean . 这是我的意思的一个例子

The current onMousedown behavior in a 2drenderer is to adjust window level, can this behavior be turned off, on or modified? 2drenderer中当前的onMousedown行为是为了调整窗口级别,可以关闭,打开或修改此行为吗?

This is not possible right now. 目前无法实现。 There was some work on unprojecting a 3D scene to get from screen coordinates to world coordinates. 有一些关于取消投影3D场景以从屏幕坐标转换为世界坐标的工作。 See https://github.com/xtk/X/issues/78 Unfortunately it hasn't made it into head yet. https://github.com/xtk/X/issues/78遗憾的是它并没有把它做成头呢。

This would be the first step, then we would have to transfer the 3D coordinate to volume space. 这将是第一步,然后我们必须将3D坐标传递到体积空间。

And for 2D this is even a different story. 对于2D来说,情况甚至不同。 So sadly, not possible right now but would be a great feature and any contribution is welcome :D 很可惜,目前无法实现,但是它将是一个很棒的功能,欢迎您作出任何贡献:D

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