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实体框架5 Nuget控制台命令

[英]Entity Framework 5 Nuget Console commands

So I am making a DB with EF 5 Code first, I have checked some guides and found some "important"/useful commands like: "Update-Database -Force -Verbose". 所以我首先使用EF 5 Code制作数据库,我检查了一些指南并找到了一些“重要”/有用的命令,如:“Update-Database -Force -Verbose”。 However I know there must be more commands like these, something like: "Purge-Database", but no success in finding them. 但是我知道必须有更多这样的命令,例如:“Purge-Database”,但找不到它们没有成功。 So my question is, where can I find all the availible commands and flags(for example: -Force, -Verbose etc) for EF 5. 所以我的问题是,在哪里可以找到EF 5的所有可用命令和标志(例如:-Force,-Verbose等)。

I tried google but no luck, since query "EF 5 Console" etc has console and it gives result about console applications, which I don t want ofc. 我试过谷歌但没有运气,因为查询“EF 5控制台”等有控制台,它给出了控制台应用程序的结果,我不想要它。

Just use: 只需使用:

get-help EntityFramework

to get list of supported commands and: 获取支持的命令列表和:

get-help Update-Database 

to get help for a queried command. 获得查询命令的帮助。 Help for each command can give you information about extended help by for example using: 每个命令的帮助可以为您提供有关扩展帮助的信息,例如使用:

get-help Update-Database -detailed

You will probably be disappointed because there are only four commands provided by EF. 您可能会感到失望,因为EF只提供了四个命令。

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