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[英]Pretransformed textured polygons

I'm only starting with 3D so I have a question about drawing pretransformed stuff onto the screen. 我只是从3D开始,所以我对在屏幕上绘制预先转换的内容有疑问。

I was able to figure out how to draw colored polygons in pretransformed form by using some tutorials, but I just can't understand how to texture them... Is that even possible? 通过使用一些教程,我能够弄清楚如何以预变换的形式绘制彩色多边形,但我只是不明白如何对它们进行纹理处理……甚至可能吗? If so how? 如果可以,怎么办?

What I have now: 我现在所拥有的:

private void TestVertices()
 vertices = new VertexPositionColor[3];
 vertices[0].Position = new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0f);
 vertices[0].Color = Color.Red;
 vertices[1].Position = new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0f);
 vertices[1].Color = Color.Green;
 vertices[2].Position = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.5f, 0f);
 vertices[2].Color = Color.Blue;


protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
     effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["Pretransformed"];
     foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
         device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, vertices, 0, 1, VertexPositionColor.VertexDeclaration);

Instead of VertexPositionColor , use VertexPositionColorTexture for your vertices, and set the TextureCoordinate member to a value between 0 and 1 on each axis. 代替VertexPositionColor ,将VertexPositionColorTexture用作顶点,并将每个轴上的TextureCoordinate成员设置为0到1之间的值。

When drawing, set GraphicsDevice.Texture[0] to the texture you want to use. 绘制时,将GraphicsDevice.Texture[0]设置为要使用的纹理。

Ensure that your pixel shader does something like this: 确保您的像素着色器执行以下操作:

// in the header:
sampler myTexture : register(s0);

// in your shader function:
float4 outputColor = input.Color * tex2D(myTexture, input.TexCoord);

If you are using BasicEffect , the equivalent is to use VertexPositionColorTexture , set the BasicEffect.Texture to your texture, and set BasicEffect.TextureEnabled = true . 如果使用的是BasicEffect ,则等效于使用VertexPositionColorTexture ,将BasicEffect.Texture设置为您的纹理,然后将BasicEffect.TextureEnabled = true设置。

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