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[英]WM_PAINT message and EnumDisplayMonitors

I'm trying to adapt a screensaver written in C++ with WinAPIs to work for multiple monitors. 我正在尝试使用WinAPIs用C ++编写的屏幕保护程序适用于多个监视器。 I found this article that suggests to rewrite this basic WM_PAINT handler: 我发现这篇文章建议重写此基本WM_PAINT处理程序:

case WM_PAINT:
    PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0};
    HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps );

    DoDrawing(hdc, ps.rcPaint);

    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

void DoDrawing(HDC hDC, RECT rcDraw)
    //Do actual drawing in 'hDC'

Into something like this to incorporate drawing for multiple screens: 将这样的内容合并到多个屏幕中可以得到以下效果:

case WM_PAINT:
    PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0};
    HDC hdcE = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps );

    EnumDisplayMonitors(hdcE,NULL, MyPaintEnumProc, 0);

    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

      HMONITOR hMonitor,  // handle to display monitor
      HDC hdc1,     // handle to monitor DC
      LPRECT lprcMonitor, // monitor intersection rectangle
      LPARAM data       // data
    RECT rc = *lprcMonitor;
    // you have the rect which has coordinates of the monitor

    DoDrawing(hdc1, rc);

    // Draw here now
    return 1;

But the question I have is what about special optimization/clipping that BeginPaint() sets up in the DC after processing WM_PAINT message? 但是我有一个问题是,在处理WM_PAINT消息后,BeginPaint()在DC中设置的特殊优化/裁剪会如何? With this approach it will be lost. 用这种方法,它将丢失。 Any idea how to preserve it across the EnumDisplayMonitors() call? 知道如何在EnumDisplayMonitors()调用中保留它吗?

The answer is actually described in the MSDN docs for EnumDisplayMonitors . 答案实际上是在MSDN文档中的EnumDisplayMonitors中描述的。 When you pass an HDC parameter to EnumDisplayMonitors, then the DC it passes to your callback function is a subset of the DC that you originally passed in with these changes: 当您将HDC参数传递给EnumDisplayMonitors时,传递给您的回调函数的DC是您最初通过以下更改传递的DC的子集:

  • The clip has been further reduced to only cover the intersection of the original clip with the monitor's clip rectangle. 剪辑已进一步缩小,仅覆盖原始剪辑与监视器的剪辑矩形的交集。
  • The color format of the DC is for the specific monitor rather than for the "primary" monitor of the window. DC的颜色格式适用于特定的监视器,而不适用于窗口的“主”监视器。

Note that in modern Windows (at least since Win8), you will never really see different color formats in practice for Window DCs since GDI always runs with 32-bit color. 请注意,在现代Windows(至少从Win8开始)中,由于GDI始终以32位颜色运行,因此您将永远不会真正看到Window DC的不同颜色格式。

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