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[英]scipy.optimize with matrix constraint

How do I tell fmin_cobyla about a matrix constraint Ax-b >= 0 ? 我如何告诉fmin_cobyla有关矩阵约束Ax-b >= 0 It won't take it as a vector constraint: 不会将其视为向量约束:

cons = lambda x: dot(A,x)-b

thanks. 谢谢。

Since the constraint must return a scalar value, you could dynamically define the scalar constraints like this: 由于约束必须返回标量值,因此可以动态定义标量约束,如下所示:

constraints = []
for i in range(len(A)):
    def f(x, i = i):
        return np.dot(A[i],x)-b[i]

For example, if we lightly modify the example from the docs , 例如,如果我们从docs轻松修改示例

def objective(x):
    return x[0]*x[1]

A = np.array([(1,2),(3,4)])
b = np.array([1,1])
constraints = []
for i in range(len(A)):
    def f(x, i = i):
        return np.dot(A[i],x)-b[i]

def constr1(x):
    return 1 - (x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)

def constr2(x):
    return x[1]

x = optimize.fmin_cobyla(objective, [0.0, 0.1], constraints+[constr1, constr2],
                         rhoend = 1e-7)

yields 产量

[-0.6  0.8]

PS. PS。 Thanks to @seberg for pointing out an earlier mistake. 感谢@seberg指出了先前的错误。

Actually the documentation says Constraint functions; 实际上,文档说Constraint functions; , it simply expects a list of functions each returning only a single value. ,它只是期望一个函数列表,每个函数仅返回一个值。

So if you want to do it all in one, maybe just modify the plain python code of the fmin_cobyla , you will find there that it defines a wrapping function around your functions, so it is easy... And the python code is really very short anyways, just small wrapper around scipy.optimize._cobyal.minimize . 因此,如果您想fmin_cobyla ,或者只需修改fmin_cobyla的纯Python代码,您就会发现它在函数周围定义了一个包装函数,因此很容易...而且python代码确实非常无论如何,还是简短的,只是围绕scipy.optimize._cobyal.minimize小包装。

On a side note, if the function you are optimizing is linear (or quadratic) like your constraints, there are probably much better solvers out there. 附带一提,如果您要优化的函数像约束一样是线性的(或二次函数),那么可能会有更好的求解器。

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