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python中的切片表示法 - 需要澄清代码片段

[英]Slice notation in python - need clarification on a code snippet

I'm new to python, and while reading about slice notation, I came across the following code snippet. 我是python的新手,在阅读切片表示法时,我遇到了以下代码片段。 I was able to understand and use it in very simple examples, but I wasn't able to grasp its usage in the following example. 我能够在非常简单的示例中理解和使用它,但我无法在以下示例中掌握它的用法。 Any explanation will really help! 任何解释都会有所帮助!

>>> a = [1,2]
>>> a[1:1] = [3,4,5]
>>> print a
[1, 3, 4, 5, 2]

>>> a = [1,2]
>>> a[0:1] = [3,4,5]
>>> print a
[3, 4, 5, 2]
a[n:m] = b
# is essentially* equivalent to
a = a[:n] + b + a[m:]

and you could read this as "replace a[n:m] with b " (since a = a[:n] + a[n:m] + a[m:] ). 你可以把它读成“用b替换a[n:m] ”(因为a = a[:n] + a[n:m] + a[m:] )。

*actually slicing mutates the list in-place (that is, id(a) remains unchanged) which will usually be preferable (wheras setting a= creates our new a at a different memory location). *实际上切片使列表就地变异(即, id(a)保持不变),这通常是更可取的(当设置a=在不同的内存位置创建新的a时)。

So in your examples: 所以在你的例子中:

a = [1,2]
#a[1:1] = [3,4,5]
a = a[:1] + [3,4,5] + a[1:]
#   [1]               [2]
[1, 3, 4, 5, 2]

a = [1,2]
#a[0:1] = [3,4,5]
a = a[:0] + [3,4,5] + a[1:]
#   []                [2]
[3, 4, 5, 2]

a[1:1] is an empty slice at the position between the first and second elements in the list. a[1:1]是列表中第一个和第二个元素之间位置的空切片。
So a[1:1] = [3,4,5] means "insert the elements 3,4,5 after the first element of the list". 所以a[1:1] = [3,4,5]意味着“在列表的第一个元素之后插入元素3,4,5 ”。

a[0:1] is the slice from the first element up to (but excluding) the second element in the list. a[0:1]是从第一个元素到列表中第二个元素(但不包括)的切片。
So a[0:1] = [3,4,5] means "replace the first element of the list with the elements 3,4,5 ". 所以a[0:1] = [3,4,5]意味着“用元素3,4,5替换列表的第一个元素”。

Perhaps this visualization helps: 也许这种可视化有助于

| h | e | l | l | o |    <-- string "hello"
0   1   2   3   4   5    <-- slice positions
^---^                    <-- slice [0:1]: "h"
    ^                    <-- slice [1:1]: ""

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