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[英]Three.js: texture to datatexture

I'm trying to implement a delayed webcam viewer in javascript, using Three.js for WebGL capabilities. 我正在尝试在javascript中实现延迟的网络摄像头查看器,使用Three.js进行WebGL功能。

I need to store frames grabbed from webcam, so they can be shown after some time (some milliseconds to some seconds). 我需要存储从网络摄像头抓取的帧,所以它们可以在一段时间后显示(几毫秒到几秒)。 I'm able to do this without Three.js, using canvas and getImageData() . 我可以使用canvasgetImageData()没有Three.js的情况下执行此操作。 You can find an example on jsfidle . 你可以在jsfidle上找到一个例子

I'm trying to find a way to do this without canvas, but using Three.js Texture or DataTexture object. 我试图找到一种方法来做到这一点没有画布,但使用Three.js TextureDataTexture对象。 Here an example of what I'm trying . 这是我正在尝试的一个例子 The problem is that I cannot find how to copy the image from a Texture ( image is of type HTMLVideoElement ) to another. 问题是我找不到如何将图像从TextureimageHTMLVideoElement类型) HTMLVideoElement到另一个。

In rotateFrames() function the older frame should be lost and newer should replace, like in a FIFO. rotateFrames()函数中,较旧的帧应该丢失,而较新的帧应该更换,就像在FIFO中一样。 But the line 但行

frames[i].image = frames[i + 1].image;

is just copying the reference, not the texture data. 只是复制引用,而不是纹理数据。 I guess DataTexture should do this, but I'm not able to get a DataTexture out of a Texture or HTMLVideoElement . 我想DataTexture应该这样做,但我没能得到一个DataTexture出的TextureHTMLVideoElement

Any idea? 任何想法?

Warning: you must have a camera and allow the browser to use it to get examples working. 警告:您必须拥有摄像头并允许浏览器使用它来使示例正常工作。 And obviously, you must have an updated browser. 显然,您必须拥有更新的浏览器。

Is this what your looking for?? 这是你在找什么?

http://fiddle.jshell.net/m4Bh7/10/ http://fiddle.jshell.net/m4Bh7/10/

Edit: 编辑:

function onFrame(dt) {
    if (video.readyState === video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) { /* new frame available from webcam */
        context.drawImage(video, 0, 0,videoWidth,videoHeight);
        frames[framesNum - 1].image.data = new Uint8Array(context.getImageData(0,0,videoWidth, videoHeight).data.buffer);
        frames[framesNum - 1].needsUpdate = true;

This is the most important part: It makes a copy of the frame and saves it as a data in a dataTexture. 这是最重要的部分:它创建框架的副本并将其作为数据保存在dataTexture中。

function rotateFrames() {
    for (var i = 0; i != framesNum - 1; ++i) {
         * FIXME: this does not work!
        frames[i].image.data = frames[i + 1].image.data;
        frames[i].needsUpdate = true;

This copies then the data from texture to texture in the frames. 这会将纹理中的数据复制到帧中的纹理中。

new version:http://fiddle.jshell.net/hWL2E/4/ 新版本:http://fiddle.jshell.net/hWL2E/4/

function onFrame(dt) {
    if (video.readyState === video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) { /* new frame available from webcam */
        context.drawImage(video, 0, 0,videoWidth,videoHeight);
         var frame = new THREE.DataTexture(new Uint8Array(context.getImageData(0,0,videoWidth, videoHeight).data.buffer) ,videoWidth,videoHeight);
        frames[framesNum - 1] = frame;
        frames[framesNum - 1].needsUpdate = true;
        sprites[framesNum - 1].map = frames[framesNum - 1];

It generates a new texture every frame for the video images. 它为视频图像的每一帧生成一个新纹理。

function rotateFrames() {
    for (var i = 0; i != framesNum - 1; ++i) {
         * FIXME: this does not work!
        frames[i] = frames[i + 1];
        sprites[i].map = frames[i];


this is what makes it better. 这就是让它变得更好的原因。 Becuase it reuses the textures that were used, means that it doesn't need to be resent to the GPU. 因为它重用了所使用的纹理,意味着它不需要重新发送到GPU。

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