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[英]double.parse convert two zero decimal to one decimal

I have a string 10.00 and I want to convert it to double 10.00. 我有一个字符串10.00,我想将其转换为双精度10.00。

I use : 我用 :

string str = "10.00";
double db = double.Parse(str);

the result I get is 10.0 and not 10.00. 我得到的结果是10.0,而不是10.00。

The Parse and TryParse on the numeric respect local culture settings; 数字上的ParseTryParse尊重本地区域性设置; you can change this by specifying a CultureInfo object. 您可以通过指定CultureInfo对象来更改此设置。 For instance, parsing 2.999 into a double gives 2999 in Germany: 例如,将2.999解析为一个double会在德国提供2999

Console.WriteLine (double.Parse ("2.999"));   // 2999 (In Germany) 

This is because in Germany, the period indicates a thousands separator rather than a decimal point. 这是因为在德国,句点表示千位分隔符,而不是小数点。 Specifying invariant culture fixes this: 指定不变的区域性可以解决此问题:

double x = double.Parse ("2.999", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

The same when calling ToString() : 调用ToString()时相同:

string x = 2.9999.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

A double isn't a string. 双精度不是字符串。 If you want to display the double as a string, you can format it to have two decimal points. 如果要将双精度形式显示为字符串,则可以将其格式化为两个小数点。

For example: 例如:

string str = "10.00";
double db = double.Parse(str);
String.Format("{0:0.00}", db); // will show 10.00

Question isn't really clear, but if you are referring to changing the double back to string with 2 decimal place precision, you can use: 问题还不是很清楚,但是如果您要指的是将双精度转换为精度为两位小数的字符串,则可以使用:

string str = "10.00"
double db = double.parse(str);
string convertedBack = db.ToString("0.00");

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