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安装Ad Hoc应用程序进行测试而不同步iTunes

[英]Installing an Ad Hoc app for testing without synchronizing iTunes

I have an iPhone app that I'm distributing to testers. 我有一个要分发给测试人员的iPhone应用程序。 I followed these instructions: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/YourFirstAppStoreSubmission/TestYourApponManyDevicesandiOSVersions/TestYourApponManyDevicesandiOSVersions.html 我遵循了以下说明: https : //developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/YourFirstAppStoreSubmission/TestYourApponManyDevicesandiOSVersions/TestYourApponManyDevicesandiOSVersions.html

And they work except for one of my testers, who does not use iTunes to synchronize his apps. 除我的测试人员之一(他们不使用iTunes同步他的应用程序)外,它们都可以工作。 He has many apps already on his phone and doesn't want to synch to iTunes because it sounds like it will delete them. 他的手机上已经有许多应用程序,并且不想与iTunes同步,因为听起来好像它将删除它们。 So...Is there any other way to get a testing app onto an iPhone besides synchronizing with iTunes? 那么...除了与iTunes同步外,还有其他方法可以将测试应用程序安装到iPhone上吗?

Simply distribute it using OTA ("Over The Air" distribution). 只需使用OTA(“空中下载”分发)进行分发即可。

  • When you Archive your application using Xcode (menu Product -> Archive, I hope that's what you do already to keep debugging symbols so that you can symbolicate crash logs when testers send some back to you!), once you click on "Distribute", select the "OTA Distribution" option and follow the steps. 当您使用Xcode归档应用程序时(菜单产品->归档,我希望这样做是为了保持调试符号,以便当测试人员将某些错误日志发回给您时,您可以用它来表示崩溃日志!),一旦您单击“分发”,选择“ OTA分发”选项,然后执行以下步骤。
  • Don't forget to check the "Distribute for Enterprise" checkbox in the appropriate step and fill the requested informations (Product Name, URL of the IPA when you will upload it on your server, etc). 不要忘记在适当的步骤中选中“为企业分发”复选框,并填写所需的信息(产品名称,将IPA上载到服务器时的IPA的URL等)。
  • Once your .ipa and the associated .plist is created, upload them both on a web server, and make a link to " itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=<the_url_to_your_plist_file_here> ". 创建.ipa和关联的.plist ,将它们都上传到Web服务器上,并链接到“ itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=<the_url_to_your_plist_file_here> ”。

When the users will open this link from their iPhone, it will prompt to install the application on their device directly, without the need to plug their device to any computer. 当用户从iPhone打开此链接时,它将提示直接在其设备上安装该应用程序,而无需将其设备插入任何计算机。

There are many tutorials on the net about this, simply google about iPhone OTA distribution. 网上有很多关于此的教程,只是谷歌关于iPhone OTA发行。

I strongly recommend TestFlight . 我强烈推荐TestFlight It's free and it's easy and they manage all that server side work. 它是免费的,而且很容易,他们可以管理所有服务器端工作。

Since your user is afraid of the iTunes Sync Process (for good reason), why not recommending him to use the iPhone Configuration Ultility . 由于您的用户担心iTunes同步过程(有充分的理由),为什么不建议他使用iPhone配置实用程序

That tool does not do a complete sync but only transmits the app you specified to. 该工具不会进行完全同步,而只会传输您指定的应用程序。

It is free, easy to use and very reliable. 它是免费的,易于使用的并且非常可靠。 Well, sometimes it has its hickups on Windoze systems but that seems to be a normal experience for users of that OS. 好吧,有时它在Windoze系统上有所表现,但这对于该OS用户来说似乎是正常的体验。

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