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[英]Haar Filtered Images

I use Lena image 256x256 uint8 and I've applied Haar filter 我使用Lena图片256x256 uint8,并且应用了Haar滤镜


when I see the horizontal, vertical and diagonal filtered images , I see Lena details but as if they were in black and white, and the correspondent matrices have negatives entries (!). 当我看到水平,垂直和对角线滤波后的图像时,我看到了Lena细节,但好像它们是黑白的,并且对应的矩阵都有负数(!)。 And if I see the average image, I just see a white square. 如果我看到普通图像,我只会看到一个白色正方形。 Searching for help in Matlab 7.11, I saw the example, it works for a MAT file, and using wcodemat function, but I need to load the image via 在Matlab 7.11中搜索帮助,我看到了示例,它适用于MAT文件,并使用wcodemat函数,但是我需要通过加载图像

J = imread('Lena.tif');

beacuse I am planing to work with a great number of images in order to train a discriminant etc. How can I get the scaled images correctly? 因为我打算处理大量图像以训练判别式等。如何正确获取缩放后的图像? Help me to solve this issue. 帮我解决这个问题。


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