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[英]Find the Keys in a Prolog Pairs List

I currently have a list of (Key,Value) pairs and I want to pull out all the keys to use in another function. 我目前有一个(键,值)对的列表,我想拉出在另一个函数中使用的所有键。

Such that I have a list called 这样我就有了一个名单


and I want to 而且我想


I have tried: 我努力了:


but that just throws a syntax error. 但这只会引发语法错误。

Any help would be super! 任何帮助都会超级!

retractall it's a powerful Prolog memory tool, useful for dynamic information managing, but it's important not to abuse of it. retractall它是一个强大的Prolog记忆工具,对动态信息管理很有用,但重要的是不要滥用它。 In your question, seems irrelevant. 在你的问题中,似乎无关紧要。 If you have a list of pairs (Key,Value) then 如果你有一个对的列表(键,值)那么

  • if you can use SWI-Prolog, there is this interesting library( pairs ). 如果你可以使用SWI-Prolog,那就有这个有趣的库( )。 Instead of (A,B) uses AB , but for the representation change you gain much. 而不是(A,B)使用AB ,但是对于表示改变,你获得了很多。 With that library, the builtin you would use is pairs_keys (Pairs, Keys) 使用该库,您将使用的内置是pairs_keys (Pairs,Keys)

  • without any library, the function (but it's a relation, not a function) is really easy to write in pure Prolog. 没有任何库,函数(但它是一个关系, 而不是一个函数)真的很容易用纯Prolog编写。

     keys([(Key,_)|Pairs], [Key|Keys]) :- keys(Pairs, Keys). 键([(键,_)|对],[键|键]): - 键(对,键)。\nkeys([], []). 键([],[])。\n
  • I think the best way is using maplist from library( apply ), and a very simple predicate: 我认为最好的方法是使用库中的maplist( apply ),以及一个非常简单的谓词:

     keys(Pairs, Keys) :- maplist(key, Pairs, Keys). 键(对,键): - 地图列表(键,对,键)。\nkey((K, _), K). 键((K,_),K)。\n

    note that this way we can reuse the logic abstracting from 'actual' pair representation: just add 请注意,这样我们就可以重用“实际”对表示中的逻辑抽象:只需添加

     key(K - _, K). 键(K  -  _,K)。 
    to handle the preferred Prolog way 处理首选的Prolog方式

If you use SWI-Prolog and module(lambda), you can write 如果你使用SWI-Prolog和模块(lambda),你可以写

maplist(\X^Y^(X = (Y,_)), L, L1),

For example this code : 例如这段代码:

:- use_module(library(lambda)).

t(L, L1) :-
    maplist(\X^Y^(X = (Y,_)), L, L1).


?- t([(1,a), (2,b), (3,c)], L).
L = [1,2,3].

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