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[英]Regex: Match any character (including whitespace) except a comma

I would like to match any character and any whitespace except comma with regex. 我想将除逗号以外的任何字符和任何空白与正则表达式匹配。 Only matching any character except comma gives me: 仅匹配除逗号以外的任何字符都会给我:


but I also want to match any whitespace characters, tabs, space, newline, etc. anywhere in the string. 但我也想在字符串中的任何位置匹配任何空格字符,制表符,空格,换行符等。

EDIT: 编辑:

This is using sed in vim via :%s/foo/bar/gc. 通过:%s / foo / bar / gc在vim中使用sed。

I want to find starting from func up until the comma, in the following example: 在以下示例中,我想查找从func到逗号的所有内容:

func("bla bla bla"
"asdfasdfasdf", "more strings")

I 一世

To work with multiline in SED using RegEx , you should look at here . 要使用RegExSED使用multiline ,应在此处查看

EDIT: 编辑:

In SED command, working with NewLine is a bit different. SED命令中,使用NewLine有点不同。 SED command support three patterns to manage multiline operations N , P and D . SED命令支持三种模式来管理多行操作NPD To see how it works see this (Working with Multiple Lines) explaination. 要了解其工作原理,请参见此说明 (使用多行)。 Here these three operations discussed. 这里讨论这三个操作。

My guess is that N operator is the area of consideration that is missing from here. 我的猜测是N运算符是这里缺少的考虑领域。 Addition of N operator will allows to sense \\n in string. N运算符将允许在字符串中感测\\n

An example from here : 来自这里的一个例子:

Occasionally one wishes to use a new line character in a sed script. 有时,人们希望在sed脚本中使用换行符。 Well, this has some subtle issues here. 好吧,这里有一些微妙的问题。 If one wants to search for a new line, one has to use "\\n." 如果要搜索新行,则必须使用“ \\ n”。 Here is an example where you search for a phrase, and delete the new line character after that phrase - joining two lines together. 这是一个示例,其中搜索一个短语,然后删除该短语之后的换行符-将两行连接在一起。

(echo a;echo x;echo y) | (echo a; echo x; echo y)| sed '/x$/ { N s:x\\n:x: }' sed'/ x $ / {N s:x \\ n:x:}'

which generates 产生

a xy XY

However, if you are inserting a new line, don't use "\\n" - instead insert a literal new line character: 但是,如果要插入新行,请不要使用“ \\ n”-而是插入文字换行符:

(echo a;echo x;echo y) | (echo a; echo x; echo y)| sed 's:x:X\\ :' sed's:x:X \\:'

generates 产生

a X X

y ÿ

So basically you're trying to match a pattern over multiple lines. 因此,基本上,您正在尝试在多行上匹配一个模式。

Here's one way to do it in sed (pretty sure these are not useable within vim though, and I don't know how to replicate this within vim ) 这是在sed执行此操作的一种方法(虽然很确定它们在vim中不可用,但我不知道如何在vim复制它)

sed '
            /,/! {N; b loop}
' inputfile

Let's say inputfile contains these lines 比方说, inputfile包含这些行

func("bla bla bla"
"asdfasdfasdf", "more strings")

The output is 输出是

func("ok", "more strings")

Details : 详细资料

  • If a line contains func , enter the braces. 如果一行包含func ,请输入大括号。
  • :loop is a label named loop :loop是一个名为loop的标签
  • If the line does not contain , (that's what /,/! means) 如果该行不包含, (这就是/,/!意思)
    • append the next line to pattern space ( N ) 将下一行追加到模式空间( N
    • branch to / go to loop label ( b loop ) 分公司/去loop标签( b loop
  • So it will keep on appending lines and looping until , is found, upon which the s command is run which matches all characters before the first comma against the (multi-line) pattern space, and performs a replacement. 因此,它将继续追加行并循环,直到找到为止,然后运行s命令,该命令将第一个逗号之前的所有字符与(多行)模式空间进行匹配,并执行替换。

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