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.NET 2.0或3.5?

[英].NET 2.0 or 3.5?

Our clients use a vb6 version of our software. 我们的客户使用我们软件的vb6版本。

We are upgrading them to a .NET application written in C#... 我们正在将它们升级到用C#编写的.NET应用程序......

Is there less bulk using .net 2.0 than .net 3.5? 使用.net 2.0比使用.net 3.5的批量少吗?

My definition of less bulk would be: Smaller size, smaller installation time, etc. 我对体积较小的定义是:尺寸更小,安装时间更短等。

Most of them probably already have 2.0 anyway. 无论如何,他们中的大多数可能已经拥有2.0。

I only ask because I would like to take advantage of LINQ in 3.5. 我只是问,因为我想利用3.5中的LINQ。

For taking advantage of LINQ, you need 3.5 (unless you want to use LINQBridge with 2.0). 为了利用LINQ,你需要3.5(除非你想使用2.0的LINQBridge )。

For a smaller installer, .Net 3.5 Sp1 has a new feature called " Client Profile ". 对于较小的安装程序,.Net 3.5 Sp1具有称为“ 客户端配置文件 ”的新功能。

The .NET Framework Client Profile setup contains just those assemblies and files in the .NET Framework that are typically used for client application scenarios. .NET Framework Client Profile设置仅包含.NET Framework中通常用于客户端应用程序方案的那些程序集和文件。 For example: it includes Windows Forms, WPF, and WCF. 例如:它包括Windows窗体,WPF和WCF。 It does not include ASP.NET and those libraries and components used primarily for server scenarios. 它不包括ASP.NET以及主要用于服务器方案的库和组件。 We expect this setup package to be about 26MB in size, and it can be downloaded and installed much quicker than the full .NET Framework setup package. 我们希望这个安装包的大小约为26MB ,并且可以比完整的.NET Framework安装包快速下载和安装。

  1. Is not installing .NET 3.5 just to save a few Mb really that much more important that gaining a huge increase in productivity with LINQ and other .NET 3.5 features? 是不是只是为了节省一些Mb而安装.NET 3.5,使用LINQ和其他.NET 3.5功能大大提高了生产力?

  2. Why start off behind in technology? 为什么要从技术开始呢?

The .Net 3.5 runtime is ~50Mb. .Net 3.5运行时大约为50Mb。 The 2.0 runtime is ~23Mb. 2.0运行时约为23Mb。

But if you control the deployment or installation, that really shouldn't be an issue. 但是,如果您控制部署或安装,那真的不应该是一个问题。 This is especially true for 'clients' vs 'customers', and the word client involves and on-going, personal relationship. 对于“客户”与“客户”尤其如此,客户一词涉及和持续的个人关系。 If it comes to it, send them a CD. 如果是这样,给他们发一张CD。 Then anything under 700Mb is all the same. 然后700Mb以下的任何东西都是一样的。

Check out LINQBridge: http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/linqbridge.aspx 查看LINQBridge: http//www.albahari.com/nutshell/linqbridge.aspx

Adding LINQ support to .net 2 (.net 3.5 still uses CLR 2.0). 为.net 2添加LINQ支持(.net 3.5仍然使用CLR 2.0)。

.NET 3.5 is .NET 2.0 + more libraries and extensions, so yes, the install is bigger. .NET 3.5是.NET 2.0 +更多的库和扩展,所以是的,安装更大。 In my opinion however, it is very much worth the extra bulk because of the extra stuff it gives you. 但是在我看来,由于它给你的额外的东西,它非常值得额外的批量。

If it's a VB6 app, you should check which Windows versions the app is currently used on, and select the .Net version accordingly. 如果它是VB6应用程序,您应该检查当前使用的应用程序的Windows版本,并相应地选择.Net版本。 AFAIK 3.5 does not run on W2K. AFAIK 3.5不能在W2K上运行。

If you would like to take advantage of LINQ, then go for 3.5! 如果你想利用LINQ,那就去3.5吧! I find there's not more 'bulk' when using it myself, but unless you want to use LINQ, then either is fine. 我发现自己使用它时没有更多的“批量”,但除非你想使用LINQ,否则要么就好了。

请记住,某些操作系统(Windows 2000 Server)不允许您安装.NET 3.0或3.5,因此您可能必须坚持使用2.0。

I would suggest that you go straight with visual studio 2008 and .net 3.5 sp1, 2.0 is the basis of 3.5 and you can easily start using 2.0 and then start to use 3.5 functionalities. 我建议您直接使用visual studio 2008和.net 3.5 sp1,2.0是3.5的基础,您可以轻松地开始使用2.0,然后开始使用3.5功能。

Furthermore 3.5 SP1 also brings tweaks to the 2.0 framework which are nice to have. 此外,3.5 SP1还带来了对2.0框架的调整,这是很好的。

I suggest you to go directly to 3.5 because you will be less far away (in the future ... in 3-5 years) to change to other version of framework. 我建议你直接进入3.5,因为你将在不太远的地方(未来......在3 - 5年内)改为其他版本的框架。 If in 5 year .Net is at version 5, the jump will be smaller to do. 如果在5年.Net是版本5,那么跳转将会更小。 So, VB6 to 3.5 is what I suggest you. 所以,VB6到3.5就是我的建议。

The size of the framework is not very high, less than 60 megs... not a big deal now I think. 框架的大小不是很高,不到60兆...现在我认为不是什么大不了的事。

Also note, depending were you install the .NET framework it might be irrelevant how much extra bulk there is. 另请注意,根据您安装.NET框架的不同,它可能与多少额外的批量无关。 The .NET Framework installs are relatively small in modern terms. 从现代的角度来看,.NET Framework安装相对较小。

As for LINQ, it will save you a lot of time and effort, and offers a quick way to get at data. 至于LINQ,它将为您节省大量时间和精力,并提供快速获取数据的方法。 However it also depends on the clients the application will be distributed out to. 但是,它还取决于应用程序将分发到的客户端。

I'd say at that, go with 3.5 unless there is another major roadblock on the clients for whatever reason. 我会说,除非客户因任何原因有另一个主要障碍,否则请使用3.5。

As others have pointed out, the .NET 3.5 install is longer and larger than .NET 2.0. 正如其他人所指出的,.NET 3.5安装比.NET 2.0更长,更大。 Keep in mind that .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 are both extensions on top of the .NET 2.0 CLR. 请记住,.NET 3.0和.NET 3.5都是.NET 2.0 CLR之上的扩展。

I would still say upgrade from VB6 directly to .NET 3.5 (actually .NET 3.5 SP1) and VS2008, as long as your client operating systems support that version of the Framework (otherwise you will need to choose the lowest common Framework version, which very well may be .NET 2.0). 我仍然会说从VB6直接升级到.NET 3.5(实际上是.NET 3.5 SP1)和VS2008,只要你的客户端操作系统支持该版本的Framework(否则你需要选择最低的常见Framework版本,非常好吧可能是.NET 2.0)。 You will save yourself a lot of time/effort in the long run. 从长远来看,你将节省大量的时间/精力。

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