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libgdx box2d drawarc

[英]libgdx box2d drawarc

I'm new to Libgdx and box2d. 我是Libgdx和box2d的新手。 I needed to draw arc. 我需要画弧线。 I searched for a function finally I came up like below 我搜索了一个函数,最后我像下面这样

public void drawarc (float centerx, float centery,float radius, float anglefrom, float anglediff, int steps)
    EdgeShape ps = new EdgeShape();

    FixtureDef psfd = new FixtureDef();
    psfd.shape = ps;

    BodyDef psbd = new BodyDef();
    psbd.allowSleep = true;
    psbd.awake = true;
    psbd.position.set(centerx, centery);
    psbd.gravityScale = 0;

    Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[steps];

    for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
        double angle=Math.toRadians(anglefrom+anglediff/steps*i);
        Vector2 sc = new Vector2((float)(radius * Math.cos(angle)), 
                (float)(radius * Math.sin(angle)));
        vertices[i] = sc;

    Body psd = world.createBody(psbd);

    for (int i = 1; i < steps; i++) {
        ps.set(vertices[i-1], vertices[i]);

Its working properly but I'm not sure if its the correct way or not. 它的工作正常,但我不确定它的正确方法。 Would you please check and tell me if its the efficient/correct way or not? 您能检查一下并告诉我它是否有效/正确吗?

Thanks 谢谢

It looks like you are drawing using box2d's debug render. 看起来您正在使用box2d的调试渲染进行绘制。 It may work, but is generally not a good approach. 它可能有效,但通常不是一个好的方法。 You can keep your arc-vertex creating code, but render it differently. 您可以保持arc-vertex创建代码,但是以不同的方式呈现它。 Look into com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer.polyline method. 查看com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer.polyline方法。 This is also not the best solution, but is quite easy and way more efficient than your method, because you are creating a new physical body, when you don't need one. 这也不是最好的解决方案,但是比您的方法更容易实现,而且效率更高,因为您不需要的时候就可以创建一个新的物理身体。

Note that you shouldn't use debug draw for game rendering, since it is debug draw and not very fast. 请注意,您不应该将调试绘制用于游戏渲染,因为它是调试绘制并且速度不是很快。 Proper way would probably be using the Mesh class. 正确的方法可能是使用Mesh类。

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