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[英]plot a 3d point in MatLab

I'm trying to plot just one point in any coordinate system: Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical. 我试图在任何坐标系中只绘制一个点:笛卡尔,圆柱或球面。

I tried plot3(1,1,1) with many values but just shows a tiny point in the same location for all values! 我尝试了plot3(1,1,1)有很多值,但只是在所有值的同一位置显示一个小点! I tried surf(X,Y,Z) as well but matlab said: Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector. 我也尝试了surf(X,Y,Z) ,但是matlab说:Z必须是矩阵,而不是标量或矢量。

How about this? 这个怎么样?

grid on


You did try it, but then again, that is exactly what it does! 你确实尝试过,但话又说回来,这正是它的作用!


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