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如何在Windows Phone的页面之间传递照片?

[英]How to pass a photo between pages in Windows Phone?

I know how to pass data through NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Second.xaml?msg=mesage", UriKind.Relative)); 我知道如何通过NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Second.xaml?msg=mesage", UriKind.Relative));传递数据NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Second.xaml?msg=mesage", UriKind.Relative));

The question is, how can I pass an image selected from the library to another page? 问题是,如何将从库中选择的图像传递到另一个页面?

To select an image, I use the PhotoChooserTask and in the event where it is completed I have this: 要选择图像,我使用PhotoChooserTask ,一旦完成,我会得到以下信息:

 private void photoChooserTask_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
        if (e.ChosenPhoto != null)
            BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();
            this.img.Source = image;

How can I send the chosen photo to another page? 如何将所选照片发送到另一页? Do I have to write it in a buffer, set a global variable or 'save' it in Isolated storage? 我是否必须将其写入缓冲区,设置全局变量或将其“保存”到隔离存储中?

  1. You could save your picture in IsolatedStorage first, pass the file path to another page as a string parameter, load the picture out when you need it. 您可以先将图片保存在IsolatedStorage中,然后将文件路径作为字符串参数传递到另一页,并在需要时将图片加载出去。

  2. Use PhoneApplicationService to save the image into State, load it when you need it. 使用PhoneApplicationService将图像保存到State中,并在需要时加载它。

Sample for saving into IsolatedStorage: 保存到IsolatedStorage的样本:

public static void SaveStreamToStorage(Stream imgStream, string fileName)
            using (IsolatedStorageFile iso_storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                //Structure the path you want for your file.
                string filePath = GetImageStorePathByFileName(fileName);

                //Constants.S_STORE_PATH is the path I want to store my picture.
                if (!iso_storage.DirectoryExists(Constants.S_STORE_PATH))
                //I skip the process when I find the same file.
                if (iso_storage.FileExists(filePath))

                    if (imgStream.Length > 0)
                        using (IsolatedStorageFileStream isostream = iso_storage.CreateFile(filePath))
                            BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();

                            WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap(bitmap);

                            // Encode WriteableBitmap object to a JPEG stream. 
                            Extensions.SaveJpeg(wb, isostream, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight, 0, 100);


                            bitmap.UriSource = null;
                            bitmap = null;
                            wb = null;
                catch(Exception e)
                    if (iso_storage.FileExists(filePath))

                    throw e;

Sample for reading picture from IsolatedStorage: 从IsolatedStorage中读取图片的示例:

public static BitmapImage LoadImageFromIsolatedStorage(string imgName)
                var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
                //bitmapImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation;
                using (var iso = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                    //Check if file exists to prevent exception when trying to access the file.
                    if (!iso.FileExists(GetImageStorePathByFileName(imgName)))
                        return null;
                    //Since I store my picture under a folder structure, I wrote a method GetImageStorePathByFileName(string fileName) to get the correct path.
                    using (var stream = iso.OpenFile(GetImageStorePathByFileName(imgName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                //Return the picture as a bitmapImage
                return bitmapImage;
            catch (Exception e)
                // handle the exception 

            return null;

You could use a variable defined in your app.xaml.cs and call it from your other page like so (don't mind the variable names, just a code sample I use for language support): 您可以使用在app.xaml.cs中定义的变量,然后像这样从其他页面调用它(不要介意变量名,只是我用于语言支持的代码示例):

private LanguageSingleton LanguageInstance
        return (App.Current as App).Language;

Here is how you could define that variable: 这是定义变量的方法:

public LanguageSingleton Language { get; set; }

I'm sure there are more ways in doing this but this is one solution. 我敢肯定,还有更多的方法可以做到这一点,但这是一种解决方案。

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