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[英]The output image after cropping is larger than the original size

When I crop an Image using Bitmap.Clone() it creates output larger than the original image Size 当我使用Bitmap.Clone()裁剪图像时,其创建的输出大于原始图像的大小
The Original size is : 5 M 原始大小为:5 M
and the Output Cropped image is : 28 M 并且输出的裁剪图像为:28 M

How can I make cropping without losing quality and with no large size? 如何在不损失质量且没有大尺寸的情况下进行裁剪? My code is : 我的代码是:

private static Image cropImage(Image img, Rectangle cropArea)
  var bmpImage = new Bitmap(img);
  Bitmap bmpCrop = bmpImage.Clone(cropArea, bmpImage.PixelFormat);
  bmpCrop.Save(@"D:\Work\CropImage\CropImage\crop.jpg",bmpImage.RawFormat );
  return (Image)(bmpCrop);

 static void Main(string[] args)
            string sourceimg = @"D:\Work\Crop Image\CropImage\4032x5808.jpg";
            Image imageoriginal = Image.FromFile(sourceimg);
            int HorX,HorY,VerX,VerY;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter X 1 Cor. ");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Y 1 Cor. ");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter X 2 Cor. ");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Y 1 Cor. ");
            VerY= int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(HorX,HorY,VerX,VerY);
            cropImage(imageoriginal, rect);

You are saving the image as a bitmap, not a jpg, or png which is probably your input format. 您正在将图像另存为位图,而不是jpg或png(可能是您的输入格式)。 Change the format type and you will see the file size plummet! 更改格式类型,您将看到文件大小直线下降!

This code sample should help you set the quality:- 此代码示例应帮助您设置质量:-

var qualityEncoder = Encoder.Quality;
var quality = (long)<desired quality>;
var ratio = new EncoderParameter(qualityEncoder, quality );
var codecParams = new EncoderParameters(1);
codecParams.Param[0] = ratio;
var jpegCodecInfo = <one of the codec infos from ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders() with mime type = "image/jpeg">;
bmp.Save(fileName, jpegCodecInfo, codecParams); // Save to JPG

Usually you don't need to worry about reducing quality when cropping as you simply save part of the original image with 1:1 ratio. 通常,您不必担心裁剪时降低质量,因为您只需以1:1的比例保存原始图像的一部分即可。

Your sample works fine - problem must be in Rectangle input part. 您的示例工作正常-问题必须在“ Rectangle输入部分中。 As your variable names are confusing I would like to recommend reading about it at MSDN . 由于您的变量名令人困惑,因此我建议您在MSDN上阅读有关它的信息。

To be sure, just initialize your rectangle (assume that your image is greater than 1000x900 ) with new Rectangle(200,100,800,800); 可以肯定的是,只需使用new Rectangle(200,100,800,800); 200,100,800,800)初始化矩形(假设您的图像大于1000x900 new Rectangle(200,100,800,800); This will crop region starting from 200 th pixel from the left and 100 th pixel from the top with width and height equal to 800 pixels. 这将裁剪区域,该区域从左侧的第200个像素开始,从顶部的第100个像素开始,宽度和高度等于800像素。

Final quality will remain the same and image size will be smaller. 最终质量将保持不变,并且图像尺寸将变小。

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