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使用 MICE 包进行多次插补后合并 Cox PH 结果

[英]Pooling Cox PH results after multiple imputation with the MICE package

I have a dataset with survival data and a few missing covariates.我有一个包含生存数据和一些缺失协变量的数据集。 I've successfully applied the mice-package to imputate m-numbers of datasets using the mice() function, created an imputationList object and applied a Cox PH model on each m-dataset.我已经成功地应用了 mouse-package 来使用 mouse mice()函数对 m 个数据集进行imputationList ,创建了一个imputationList对象并在每个 m 数据集上应用了 Cox PH 模型。 Subsequently I'ved pooled the results using the MIcombine() function.随后我使用MIcombine()函数合并了结果。 This leads to my question:这引出了我的问题:

How can I get a p-value for the pooled estimates for each covariate?如何获得每个协变量的汇总估计值的 p 值? Are they hidden somewhere within the MIcombine object?它们是否隐藏在MIcombine对象中的某处?

I understand that p-values isn't everything, but reporting estimates and confidence intervals without corresponding p-values seems weird to me.我知道 p 值并不是一切,但报告估计值和置信区间而没有相应的 p 值对我来说似乎很奇怪。 I'm able to calculate an aprox.我能够计算一个近似值。 p-value from the confidence intervals using eg the formula provided by Altman , but this seems overly complicated.使用例如Altman 提供公式来自置信区间的 p 值,但这似乎过于复杂。 I've searched around for an answer, but I can't find anyone even mentioning this problem.我四处寻找答案,但我什至找不到任何人提到这个问题。 Am I overlooking something obvious?我是否忽略了一些明显的东西?


test1 <- as.data.frame(list(time=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3,5,2,4,5,1), 

dat <- mice(test1,m=10)

mit <- imputationList(lapply(1:10,complete,x=dat))

models <- with(mit,coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata(sex)))


I've tried to sort through the structure of the MIcombine object, but as of yet no luck in finding a p-value.我试图对 MIcombine 对象的结构进行排序,但到目前为止还没有找到 p 值的运气。

models <- with(dat,coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ x + strata(sex)))

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