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[英]How can I remove all non-letter (all languages) and non-numeric characters from a string?

I've been searching for quite some time now yet I can not find any explanation on the subject. 我已经搜索了很长时间,但是找不到关于该主题的任何解释。

If I have a string, say: u'àaeëß35+{}"´' . I want all non-alphanumeric charachters removed (however, I want à, ë, ß etc. kept. 如果我有字符串,请说: u'àaeëß35+{}"´' 。我希望删除所有非字母数字字符(但是,我希望保留à, ë, ß等。)

I'm fairly new to Python and I could not figure out a regex to perform this task. 我是Python的新手,我想不出一个正则表达式来执行此任务。 Only other solution I can think of is having a list with the chars I want to remove and iterating through the string replacing them. 我只能想到的其他解决方案是列出要删除的字符,并通过替换它们的字符串进行迭代。

What is the correct Pythonic solution here? 这里正确的Pythonic解决方案是什么?

Thank you. 谢谢。

In [63]: s = u'àaeëß35+{}"´'

In [64]: print ''.join(c for c in s if c.isalnum())

What about: 关于什么:

def StripNonAlpha(s):
    return "".join(c for c in s if c.isalpha())


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