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jqgrid update two tables from one grid

I have two tables in one grid displayed (via LEFT JOIN ) and I wonder is there a way to implement an inline edit functionality for both table from the same grid?

Ie: when the main grid table updated:

onSuccess { table_name, {column1=value1,column2=value2,..}}

not necessarily above scenario - I'm seeking here for ideas and logic to it...

I know there is setAfterCrudAction function in jqGridPHP suit, but from the whole suit I only need this functionality... so I'm seeking to try to implement it myself with some help from you

any ideas appreciated, thanks

Example shows how to update fields when join is used (check 'PHP Grid' tab, btw jqgrid-php is free):


class jqOperBasic extends jqGrid
    protected function init()
        $this->table = 'tbl_order_item';

        $this->query = "
            SELECT {fields}
            FROM tbl_order_item i
                JOIN tbl_books b ON (i.book_id=b.id)
            WHERE {where}

        #Set columns
        $this->cols = array(

            'item_id' => array('label' => 'ID',
                'db' => 'i.id',
                'width' => 10,
                'align' => 'center',
                'formatter' => 'integer',

            'order_id' => array('label' => 'Order id',
                'db' => 'i.order_id',
                'width' => 15,
                'align' => 'center',
                'formatter' => 'integer',

            'name' => array('label' => 'Book name',
                'db' => 'b.name',
                'width' => 30,
                'editable' => true,
                'editrules' => array('required' => true),

            'price' => array('label' => 'Price',
                'db' => 'i.price',
                'width' => 15,
                'align' => 'center',
                'formatter' => 'integer',
                'editable' => true,
                'editrules' => array('required' => true,
                    'integer' => true,
                    'minValue' => 1,
                    'maxValue' => 3000

        #Set nav
        $this->nav = array('edit' => true, 'edittext' => 'Edit');

    #Save columns to different tables
    protected function opEdit($id, $upd)
        #Server-side validation
        if(strlen($upd['name']) < 5)
            #Just throw the exception anywhere inside the oper functions to stop execution and display error
            throw new jqGrid_Exception('The book name is too short!');

        #Get editing row
        $result = $this->DB->query('SELECT * FROM tbl_order_item WHERE id=' . intval($id));
        $row = $this->DB->fetch($result);

        #Save book name to books table
        $this->DB->update('tbl_books', array('name' => $upd['name']), array('id' => $row['book_id']));

        #Save other vars to items table
        $this->DB->update('tbl_order_item', $upd, array('id' => $id));

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