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Sonatype Nexus REST Api fetch latest build version

How can I can use the Sonatype REST Api to fetch the build with the highest version (latest temporal build)?


Passing a build version as ARTIFACT_VERSION works. Passing v=LATEST or v=latest does NOT return the latest build.

It is not documented that /service/local/lucene/search support "LATEST" as version parameter [ link ] The OSS rest api documentation states that /service/local/artifact/maven [ link ] (to get the artifact pom file) and /service/local/artifact/maven/content [ link ] (to get the actual file content) does support it:

Version of the artifact (Required) Supports resolving of "LATEST", "RELEASE" and snapshot versions ("1.0-SNAPSHOT") too.

So I think you should use one of them (you will have to supply them also with repositoryId and groupId) for example:


I had the same problem and solved it like this using the lucene search api:

if [[ "${REPO}" == "snapshots" ]]; then
  version=$( curl --silent "http://${HOST}/nexus/service/local/lucene/search?g=${GROUP_ID}&a=${ARTIFACT}" | sed -n 's|<latestSnapshot>\(.*\)</latestSnapshot>|\1|p' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | tail -1 )
  version=$( curl --silent "http://${HOST}/nexus/service/local/lucene/search?g=${GROUP_ID}&a=${ARTIFACT}" | sed -n 's|<latestRelease>\(.*\)</latestRelease>|\1|p' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | tail -1 )

curl -o ~/${ARTIFACT}-${VERSION}.zip -L -#  "http://${HOST}/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=${REPO}&g=${GROUP_ID}&a=${ARTIFACT}&e=zip&v=${VERSION}"



I have Linux OS and I do not have access to REST API, so I used following commands to get the latest version of snapshots from Nexus:

An example snapshots maven-metadata.xml from WSO2 repository:

$ curl -s "http://maven.wso2.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/org/wso2/is/wso2is/maven-metadata.xml"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Extracting from latest XML tag inside maven-metadata.xml:

curl -s "http://maven.wso2.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/org/wso2/is/wso2is/maven-metadata.xml" | \
grep "<latest>.*</latest>" | \
sed -e "s#\(.*\)\(<latest>\)\(.*\)\(</latest>\)\(.*\)#\3#g"

Extracting from version XML tag inside maven-metadata.xml:

curl -s "http://maven.wso2.org/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/org/wso2/is/wso2is/maven-metadata.xml" | \
grep "<version>.*</version>" | \
sort | uniq | tail -n1 | \
sed -e "s#\(.*\)\(<version>\)\(.*\)\(</version>\)\(.*\)#\3#g"

The result of both of the commands until today 14 Sep 2016 is:


在尝试使用LATEST版本的REST服务(并发现它并不总是有效 )后,我最终创建了这个单行Linux命令来解析metadata.xml文件:

wget -O - -o /dev/null https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/brutusin/wava/maven-metadata.xml | grep -Po '(?<=<version>)([0-9\.]+(-SNAPSHOT)?)' | sort --version-sort -r| head -n 1

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