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d3.js pack layout circles are overlapping

I have a problem with d3.js pack layout. The circles are overlapping, and I don't have any idea why...

I used code from this example:



And that is my work:


As you see overlapping make diagram unusable.

What helped me was the following: change the order of process by sorting

so where you have

var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.value(function(d) { return d.size; });


var pack = d3.layout.pack()
.value(function(d) { return d.size; });

I attempted to implemented the same circle packing example and had overlapping circles, too. For me the problem was cause by the fact that data parent nodes had 0 children and size 0. Once I changed the parent nodes with an empty array of children into correctly formatted leaves, the problem went away.

Bad overlapping before data structure:

root = {name:"root",
       {name:"badchildlessparent", children:[]},
       {name:"parentnodewithchild", children:[{name:"a leaf",size=50}]}

Nicely packing after data structure:

root = {name:"root",
        {name:"fixedit_now_child", size=1} ,
        {name:"parentnodewithchild", children:[{name:"a leaf",size=50}]}

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