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Play .pls on windows phone 7.1

I have a problem playing .pls live streaming channel on windows phone 7 media element. i asked this question before as well and someone said that you need to parse the address inside .pls becuase .pls is a playlist format and you have link to play audio inside it but when i parse:
http:// i get http:// you can check this by typing this on browser http:// and download .pls and open with notepad and it is not being played by windows phone

any idea how to do this? kindly help me i am stuck


From what I can tell it is a 48kbps MP3 stream. I don't see why it wouldn't work unless you do something wrong with the way you are setting the media source.

Should be:

mediaElement.Source = new Uri("URL_TO_STREAM",UriKind.Absolute);

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