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How to set hadoop replication in java client by class org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration?

I use the java Api as client to upload files ,but it always set the dfs.replication to 3,as a result when I use command (hadoop dfsadmin -report) to check the situation,all blocks are under replication factor,because I just have two data nodes to test.

I just want to know how to set hadoop dfs.replication in java client by class org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration or in another way? Thank you for your help!

IF file is already copied to HDFS with 3 blocks replication, you can use setReplication API along with your file src and expected replication count to set replication specific to your file as below:

FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
fs.setReplication(new Path("hdfs_path:/foldername/filename"), (short)2);

setReplication API is described here : public boolean setReplication(Path src, short replication)

Also if want to copy files with 2 blocks replication factor you can pass replication count directly in your command as below:

hadoop fs -D dfs.replication=2 YOUR_COMMANDS

According to the Java API for the Hadoop FileSystem class you can specify the replication factor for a file when creating the output stream to write a file to the cluster. Eg

create(Path f, short replication) 

I currently cannot test this locally as I only have a Zookeeper node running here.

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